Getting a CLUE

Howdy, for those of you not familiar with it, CLUE is an claims underwriting loss report for your home and auto. It holds history of your claims against properties and auto losses.

Here is a link to order and review your CLUE:

Why is it important? Misinformation can drive down your credit score.

Interesting…I ran mine and it shows the accident I was in. I previously did not know how much they paid out to the woman I hit to fix her car, now I know. Glad to see everything is accurate on my report.

Good info, the number of losses also tie into your credit score…and with that tightening, can’t be too careful. Because I’m on a joint policy, it showed accidents that belonged to someone else attributed to me. NOT! got that right off.

Wow!!..Everything was perfect…Showed the 2 times I had to have my car towed (nails in the roadway, probably from damn flippers!!!) :biggrin

Good site to check out accuracy of stuff…

Now if my wife will just stop totalling her cars… :banghead