For those here who don’t know George Soros let me enlighten you.
George is a BILLIONAIRE who, with a partner (Jimmy Rogers) started the Quantum fund in the 1970’s…
Over the decade + lifespan of the fund (under Soros and Rogers direct management) it acheived an INCREDIBLE…
4000+++% RETURN for it’s investors!!!
How’d they do it??? They purchased stock OTHERS thought was GARBAGE!!!
George now likes…F O R D!!!
The KEY to this type of investing is the ABILITY to weather the storms…Don’t get HEAD FAKED by the day to day BULLSH*T that’s out there…Last year I warned people NOT TO TRADE THIS STOCK…I explained that selling a share of this stock that you purchased for $2.00 at $3.50 a few weeks later leads to FREEZE OUT…Freeze out is when you buy a stock at $2.00, it moves to $3.50, You sell it and are happy (for a short while) But… it THEN moves to $4.00 and MENTALLY they can’t bring themselves to BUY BACK a stock they OWNED for $2.00, that NOW would cost them $4.00…They MISSED the REAL OPPORTUNITY, they own NO SHARES, and they WATCH from the SIDELINES paralized, as the REAL money is made.
These opportunities come along once in a decade, maybe LONGER…It takes PATIENCE…but the PAY OFF is GIGANTIC for those who can WAIT and DO NOTHING…Simply SIT, and WAIT for WALL STREET to catch up to the IDEA behind the investment…Once they SEE IT…THEN your investment moves into the STRATOSPHERE!!!
I write this for one reason…In the HOPE that others here can make a mental NOTE of what has transpired with FORD over the last few years and APPLY IT, in the future, to other so called “WORTHLESS INVESTMENTS” as proclaimed by the “experts.”
I’ve spent HOURS here linking articles on Ford for a few years…Articles EVERYONE had access to…From Alan Mullaly’s background at Boeing, to his management plans for Fords line up, to their quality improvements, to their sales INCREASES…ALL THIS INFORMATION WAS OUT THERE…Right under WALL STREETS NOSE…They’ll be buying it by the TRUCK LOAD in 3 to 5 years at $40/share…Mullaly gets 20,000,000 SHARES the DAY he can bring the DIVIDEND back for the FORD FAMILY…At that point, it would not surprise me to see this stock reach ridiculus levels…It’ll BLOW UP…Just as it OVER CORRECTED last November at $1.22…At some point in the near future the same dopes that sold it for $1.22 will be BUYING IT at $60…
Think it can’t happen??? Chrysler was at $8/share in 1992…In 1998 MERCEDES paid $125/SHARE for their so called “Merger of Equals” Never UNDER ESTIMATE the stupidity of people!
George just backed up his VAN!!!