Selling one or two homes this summer.

I am planning on doing it myself or at least starting out that way.

I have no idea if any of these would be worthwhile in helping me. Any ideas?


Thank you for your help


The number one thing you will attract by using any of those sites is real estate agents. Of course, you will attract those no matter what you do. If you are going to co-op with a buyer’s agent, you may want to send info to agetns that work in your area to gain exposure to their buyers. If what you are looking for is a qualified buyer to buy directly from you without using an agent and pay full price, you may be disappointed. Most buyers that I have run into that want to buy from an owner without an agent do so because they believe they can save 6-10% by doing so. They tend to be very knowledgable about the value of homes in the area they are looking in. Good luck.

You can list your property on a FSBO site. There are many, just do a google search. If you want to get your property on sites like Realtor.com, you need to have your property listed on your local Multiple Listing Service. There are usually Real estate agents who will do this for a flat fee of $200-$500.

If you want real estate agents to push the property, you can do an Open Listing. This means any real estate agent can sell it. Usually you will want to pay the co-op fee which is generally half the usual commission. In most states the commissions are paid by the seller to both the listing agent who represents the seller and and the selling agent who represents the buyer. You would pay the selling agent his commision. Realtors who work with buyers would still get their commission and bring you buyers. Although some agents wont do this because they become liable for the transaction and end up doing all the work of both agents making sure all necessary disclosures are completed.

This is one caveat. In todays market, hungry lawyers abound. If you sell without the help of a real estate agent and/or a good lawyer, you may find yourself getting sued later for not disclosing and documenting things like lead based paint, asbestos, etc.