? from a paralegal who has access to leads.....

Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dianna, and I am an American Bar Association approved paralegal and courthouse researcher located in the Metropolitan New Orleans area. I currently perform freelance work for a real estate abstracting company, and I am very familiar with reviewing mortgage, conveyance, foreclosure and other forms for pertinent information. Can someone please tell me where I may be able to sell foreclosure and/or new homeowner leads?

Thanks for your help!
Dianna Lavidalie

(I’m sorry if I posted this question in the wrong forum)

I am suprised no one in your area has contactd you. Most investors would pay for good info. Can you get leads from other towns like Vegas? you should use your skills to access any and everwhere. or teach my law friends how to do it (for a fee of course,how about a free trp to Vegas?) Kelly