Freddie Mac HARP Refi - Title in LLC

Anyone have experience refinancing a Freddie Mac owned loan for non-owner occupied (investment) property under the HARP program where title for your property was in an LLC prior to refinancing? My understanding is you have to transfer it back into your own name during the refi process, but would like to hear from someone who has experience with HARP and who had their property in an LLC. Thanks!

No, but I have had a similar scenario with one property with an FHA loan attached to it (at one point in the past it was my principal residence). For me, my interest rate is still good enough (it’s relatively low, and it’s fixed) and I am far enough along in my amortization schedule that it wasn’t worth it to refinance. Note: I have “0” financial issues, and great credit.

Anyway…HARP, HAMP and the FHA streamline refinancing programs all have their own little rules, that seem to change as the political climate changes (something big changed this last Monday with one of them, thanks to Obama & Co!). Your best bet is to call up an independent mortgage banker or independent mortgage broker that does HARP financing, and ask them your questions. If you don’t like the answer you hear, call a 2nd one to reconfirm what you were told. The advice will be FREE and 100% up to date.

Good luck