
Anyone use this site before? It is about $40/month. Worh it?

The best foreclosure listing is with Alexis Mcgee. You don’t have to pay per month, you can buy a block of info for foreclosures in your particular area.

I have found her site to be the best on the “net” accurate information, you can call them directly to ask questions. Good information on how to do foreclosures… what to say to the owner, etc. Do not confuse it with that company from Norfolk, VA… that site is a no! no. also realtytrac is NOT good.

Thanks for the info. I went to to check them out, and as soon as I wanted to see the details of a listing, they asked me to sign up for the free trial, which will eventually be the same cost as the other site I mentioned (about $40/month).

Did I miss something else?

I believe there is a missing “S”. It is and not



FYI, does not offer service to all locations. I live in MI and they actually just directed me to

I dont know how much weight that carries, but I guess it answers the original question!