Foreclosure Education

Who is the best educator on buying foreclosures or pre-foreclosures? There are a lot of courses and books out there. Which ones are really worth the money? Who really has good information?

i think it depends on how you want to invest. do you want to do short sales, subject to, wholesale it…answer this question and then decide who teaches best in that particular subject

I don’t know. That is why I am seeking education.
I think probably what I need most is strategies for identifying and acquiring foreclosures. But I want to better understand the issues before I decide where to specialize. Hence I am wondering what authors folks on this board respec the most.

the most broad book read was millionare real estate mentor by russ whitney. he covers pretty much every aspect but vaguely. i also read quick cash in foreclosures by bill carey. they discuss several methods of handling foreclosures and are a little more detailed. if you read these two books it will help you decide which avenue you want to pursue and only cost you about 50$ but get more details you might need either a coach/mentor, or a course. good luck! oh yeah try joining a local rei club to network :wink: