Follow-up Calls

Thought I’d take a shot at this here. I am somewhat new to buying distressed properties, having done two so far. I target Lis Pendens and Foreclosures in my area, mailing out cards and also hand delivering same and knocking on doors. I’m trying to follow-up via phone. However, using about a dozen free online websites, I’m trying to locate phone numbers for the property owner and have success only about 50% of the time. How do those using a similar marketing method get your phone numbers for follow-up calls? Is there any pay service that you recommend that is worthwhile? Any that allow unlimied access for a monthly or yearly fee?

I welcome any feedback, helpful suggestions, tell me I’m on a good track or am going about it all wrong, etc.

Thanks, and good luck to all!

I use what is called a Polk directory.

You can find this in your reference department of your public library.

A little trick is to take the newest directory and work your way backwards until you get your lead.

Hope this help and good luck on your research.

John, what exactly is a “Polk Directory”? I have never heard of it…thanks in advance.

This web site will help you understand better

Polk’s City Directory is also know as the Criss Cross Directory or the Reverse Telephone Book.
This directory allows you to search for telephone numbers by addresses.

The Directory was designed to give a panoramic view of the entire city, street by street. All of the streets are arranged alphabetically, with each street described as to starting point, termination and relative positions to other streets and landmarks.

For each street, all house numbers are arranged in numerical progression with the intersecting streets noted at their respective crossing points. Opposite each house number is place the name of the
married man, the wife’s given name is shown in parentheseses immediately after his name. In case of a place of business where the firm name is not self-explanatory, the nature if the business is indicated. Home householder (i.e. the head of the household) and, in the case of a ownership is indicated by the character “ö” Numbers and tenants in office buildings and apartment houses are sub- arranged under the street number of such buildings and apartments.

I use the following form for research

List names and number of occupants at approximately three (3) year intervals as far back as you can trace the property


Researched by:____________________________________________________________


YEAR ___________________
Listed to ___________________
