Florida, California and Texas to Dominate Future Population Growth, Census Burea

RISMEDIA, April 22 –

Three states — Florida, California and Texas — would account for nearly one-half (46 percent) of total U.S. population growth between 2000 and 2030, according to Census Bureau state population projections.

Consequently, Florida, now the fourth most populous state, would edge past New York into third place in total population by 2011; California and Texas would continue to rank first and second, respectively, in 2030.

These three states would each gain more than 12 million people between 2000 and 2030. Arizona, projected to add 5.6 million people, and North Carolina, with 4.2 million, would round out the top five numerical gainers.

As a result, Arizona and North Carolina would move into the top 10 in total population by 2030 — Arizona rising from 20th place in 2000 to 10th place in 2030 and North Carolina from 11th place to seventh place. Michigan and New Jersey are projected to drop out of the top 10.

The projections indicate that the top five fastest-growing states between 2000 and 2030 would be Nevada (114 percent), Arizona (109 percent), Florida (80 percent), Texas (60 percent) and Utah (56 percent).

Most (88 percent) of the nation’s population growth between 2000 and 2030 would occur in the South and West, which would be home to the 10 fastest-growing states over the period.

The share of the population living in the South and West would increase from 58 percent in 2000 to 65 percent in 2030, while the share in the Northeast and Midwest would decline from 42 percent to 35 percent.

In 2000, each of the nation’s 50 states had more people under 18 than 65 and older. In fact, in about half of the states, the ratio was more than two to one. In 2030, 10 states are projected to have more people 65 and older than under 18: Florida, Delaware, Maine, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Vermont, West Virginia and Wyoming.

In six states, more than one in every four residents would be age 65 and older in 2030: Florida, Wyoming, Maine, New Mexico, Montana and North Dakota.

As the oldest baby boomers become senior citizens in 2011, the population 65 and older is projected to grow faster than the total population in every state. In fact, 26 states are projected to double their 65- and-older population between 2000 and 2030.

This is some Great Info I wanted to Share!

Any Feedback from any investors in these states ???

Wallace Hobbs
Real Estate Investor


This looks like some pretty interesting information. I have been investing in ND for the past two years and we currently own three houses and one duplex. Recently I left my full time job to start real estate investing full time. We are currently doing a rehab and we should finish with in the next two months. The profit should be fairly decent as well, much better that the regular jobs in town pay.

The city that I live in has seen it’s population decrease very slightly at .2% over the past year and the surprising fact is that the housing market is booming. They expect this summer to be one of the best ever for new home construction. They say the population decline in the state has stopped and it is projected that the population should slightly increase this year. There are only about 50-75 homes on the market right now and there are usually about 300.

This census data sure makes you want start planning an exit stategy early. With 1 out of 4 people being over the age of 65 you would problably consider investing in planned retirement communities with one level units for the older clientele.

ND is is currently one of four states with a budget surplus. The ND State Politicians are quite aware of the population statistics and they are working hard at bringing new jobs and more people to the State. They are also starting to push for better paying jobs. The low crime rates are another big factor in making this a good state to live in!

Thanks for the interesting information and I will consider it in my future plans.

:slight_smile: NDI

while this is good info to have, you also need some more background.

one thing about the census projections is that while they are pretty
accurate over the long term, over the short term, historically they
have been wrong!

just coz CA, TX an FL are going to have population increases over the long run doesn’t mean you should rush about and buy everything in sight. CA will still go down in the short term. TX has ample land so appreciation will be slight.[over the past 25 yrs, TX’s appreciation has been 89%. thats not even inflation!]. parts of FL will go up while some parts will go down. http://www.usatoday.com/money/perfi/housing/2005-04-19-florida-boom-usat_x.htm
in miami, permits have been pulled for 69,000 condos. currently 70% condos sold are being bought by investors. the builders are just setting themselves up for a repeat of the 80s when they had massive vaccancies. [of course they’ll say this time is different - baby boomers and europeans still have to buy!]

the problem with statistics are that you can usually prove any point
you want! so just be careful with them.

one more thing, utah is projected to be 5th in the nation in terms of population increase!

right now that’s my fav. state ;D

Where in Utah Exactly do you like to invest and what Niche ???

i’m currently investing in Salt lake city and St George. i’ve hooked up with a team who specialize in investment properties.

basically the builder offers 5-10% discount on new construction and pays closing costs. the agent, as part of his commission from the builder finds you a tenant-buyer for lease-options. i get 100% Non-owner occupied investment loans [currently the blended rate is about 7.5%] and the renter pays a non-refundable deposit of around 3-5k. the renter is also responsible for all repairs & maintenance.
build-out time is usually 4-6 months but i’ve reserved 2 houses in a subdivision where the build-out time is 12 months, so i should see some real good appreciation there. the deposit is $5k but its normally refundable if you decide to bail.

i just booked two lots in st george. the builder is jacking up the price 15k on each lot this friday! not bad for a 5k deposit!

Wow, Congratulations on the Deal :slight_smile:

You really inspire me!

Wow that is awesome. Do you care to share more? How did you find this realtor?
Thank you for the information.

you find good agents the same way you find good lawyers, mrtg brokers and maids. through referrals, asking lots of questions and trying them out!