Flipping Land?

Anyone tried to buy and flip land? Either have it developed or get a good deal and resell it?

Just a thought. Land hardly ever depreciates.

Please let me know guys!~


I like land.

It’s not that easy to do any quick flips with land. It is mostly a buy and wait investment.

Subdividing and developing is a good way to make money, but it is not flipping. You would be a developer not a flipper.

Subdividing and developing is very expensive to do. There is good return, but it is outrageously cash intensive and everything must be paid up-front before there is any return.

In a down market, bare land does not sell well. The majority of people who want to buy bare land are people who are going to build a house. Building slows way down during a down market.

However, a down market would be a good time to buy land and put it into inventory.

There are really specific reasons why one piece of land is valuable and a different piece is not. So if you want to buy land, you’d better learn the difference and be very careful about what pieces you select to purchase.

I also think land is a good investment at the right time, but definitely something to buy and hold for a while. Some investors look at city developement plans and then buy land surrounding areas that are growing. It’s definitely not a quick profit, but if done right, big potential.

having done that before the other posters have hit the nail on the head…
it is great if you have money to invest and hold until the market comes around because the people with cash (builders/developers) to buy the land aren’t looking to pay large premiums because they have cash and are smart enough to not be deep in debt in a development of their own right now so it is truly a case where you need to a really really great deal on some land and you can stand to hold it for at least a year and half until the market turns around and cheap money starts to flow back into real estate.

I’m trying to get some land under contract right now for the purpose of flipping the contract. The land needs to be subdivided. So I gave the Seller a choice to sell it “cheap” for a quick closing or for more money, closing would take place withn 90 days after the government authority approved the subdivining of lots (expected to take 6 - 9 months).