Finding Birddogs

I’ve been reading through the forums for days now and the information is great…Thank you everyone!

My question now is this: Where do investors look for birddogs?

I am currently looking at find a few birddogs in NJ (central)…

Any help would be appreciated!

Hi Rohulp,

I’m from northern NJ and besides family and friends. Ads in penny savers, local papers, flyers or even speak to your mailman, loan officers, ups person etc. You get the idea. Hope this helps. Good luck!

Ads sound like a good idea… What kind of ads do you suggest? Have you had any luck with a particular type of ad?


Here’s an example ad I’m getting ready to run. Edit how you like.

Earn $xxx per deal
(XXX) XXX-XXXX, 24 hrs

Have you run the ad before…how many hits did you get?

No I haven’t run it yet. I’m going to try in a few weeks. I’ll let you know how it goes.