Finding a Buyer

I am curious to know strategies of how to obtain buyers on a fixer upper in advance of the work for the purpose of transactional funding. I have a long term financier that will loan on the costs of fixing it up too but only if a buyer is under contract.

only if a buyer is under contract your guy will finance the deal? finance the deal for the buyer? do you mean, your guy will finance the deal if you put a property under contract with a seller?

Our favorite way of finding buyers for our deals is sending out postcards to investors who have bought in that same neighborhood as our property in the last 6 months. #2 is putting signs up in the neighborhood. #3 is emailing out to our buyers list built over the past few years from our website.

good luck!

I must have the property under contract with the seller as well as a buyer under under contract for it as well. This is an extended transactional financier.