If I help another wholesaler find buyer’s what should I charge for a finder’s fee?
I have no idea about this.
As much as you can.
But in reality, finders fees are pretty lined up with bird dog fees. $500 or so is pretty fair.
Be aggressive, B-E aggressive!!!
If I find buyers for other wholesalers I expect 50% of the profit and a non-compete against my buyer if I know they are a cash buyer and buy multiple properties throughout the year!
Jon, REITV is awesome. It’s a true asset to us investors. :beer As for what you said about the 50-50 split, that is what my mentor wanted from me when I first started wholesaling. At first I thought he was using me as a professional real estating investing ho or he was smoking some industrial strength crack to want 50% of my deals. :shocked After awhile it all made sense. He was teaching the ropes and he was sharing his buyer’s list that he took the time to create and manage. The old saying that 50% something is better then 100% of nothing is true.
LOL…“”“he was smoking some industrial strength crack”“”
I generally charge 10% to 15 % of the after repair value of the property if I was involved in negotiations. About $5000 if I just fell upon it.