Filling out Transactional funding Contracts

I have a quick question about the exact contracts needed to complete a transactional funding…? What contract do I need? Sale and purchase between A-B and would I need another sale and purchase contract btw B-C? Do I fill out the A-B contract like I’m buying myself… ? No and/or assign in the buyer line? Do I need to submit the earnest money to the title company after the Sign A-B contract?
If you could tell me what I need or what your company uses exactly that will really help me out? TX


 Transactional funding is financing between seller and wholesaler so wholesaler has deed to convey to end buyer. Normally used for transaction where you plan to make 8 percent or more in profits.

Statistically a buyer will pay cash for the contract mark up to 7%, over 7 percent a buyer want’s to finance your wholesaling fee thus the reason to use transactional funding!

The contract is a normal board of realtors or other contract between seller and wholesaler!



You have a contract between seller and wholesaler (A to B) and a contract between wholesaler and end buyer (B to C). Earnest money should be placed when you contract A to B and equal or more earnest money B to C.


you just need a contract with a seller. these transactions are typically between 2-10 days - some people call it double closing

why would you do that, you could do a double closing without using any of your money.

In order not to write too much and meaningless. In this case, it would be good to consult a lawyer specialized in commercial and civil law.