Anyone else heard this?..
Goes into effect Feb 1, 2010
NO MORE 90 day rule for FHA loans…Properties can now be purchased and resold as quickly as the parties want.
Go to the HUD web site and then to PRESS ROOM, then click on press releases.
Nice job Positive…I hadn’t heard anything about this until I checked due to your post…The press release was only yesterday.
THANKS for the heads up!!! :beer
I am obligated this time to place our property with our realtor to sell it, but after all I’ve read over the few months about what you are doing, I am interested in the micro-details of how you put together a flip and a buyer… especially with this new rule in place…
Thanks for the heads up positive!!
This is fantastic news for flippers.
Yeah, I heard about this on another forum.
It is great news.
Here is the link to the HUD:
I heard this rule only lasts for one year!?