fed up with mls... please help

i’ve been looking for 3-4 fams on the mls for 3 months now, and i can’t find a deal to save my life… im being carefull to find properts with gross rents at 2x the PI payment, but i haven’t found one that will work (100% financed) in months, so i want to try something different…

has anyone had any success with the following?

  1. “we buy houses” classified ad
  2. a direct mailer to the owners of multi-fams in the neighborhood you want to buy in

the classfied ad is pretty simple to do, but how do i go about sending out a mailer? how do i make sure the owner of the property is going to get the piece of mail? is there a way to get a discount on postage? TIA.

You have couple of options. Purchase landlord list from list broker such as www.usadata.com (they call it investor properties or something like that). Then find a company that will print and mail your post cards, or get a permit number from the post office and do your own bulk mailing at a discount. You can read more about bulk mailing at http://www.reiu.com/?fuseaction=articles.article_view&article_id=24&full=1

I agree mls can get a little upsetting.