Fear can become your biggest asset!

Fear can become your biggest asset!

Fear can be a draw back when seeking an education in real estate investing but you can turn this fear into one of your biggest assets.

How many times have you wanted to get into real estate, only to have that voice in your head say:

It won’t work!
It’s a scam!
It cost too much!
I can’t afford it!
I can’t do it!

Or even worse, you shared your dream to become an investor with others and they say:

It’s a scam!
I tried it and it did not work!
That’s silly!
You can’t do that!

It all comes back to The “Haves” and The “Have-Nots”.

The “Haves” operate with:


The “Have-Nots” operate with:

Fear of the Unknown
Lack of Education
Poor Self Control
Fear of Success
World of Scarcity
Low Self-Esteem

All of us at some point in life have listened to voices of caution when it comes to following dreams of success. If you and others around you question what you do and thing, and you veer away from making decisions you are simply stopping yourself from reaching your fullest potential as an investor.

You are allowing this self-doubt and doubt from others to squeeze out your creative energy and inspiration that will make you a success.

So what is stopping you from making that important decision in selecting a real estate education?


Fear is the greatest single barrier to success as a real estate investor. The emotion of fear is intended to warn us of danger and to act as a cautionary tool. It should make us stop and think before acting. Not to squeeze out your creative energy and inspiration that will make you a success.

What fear shouldn’t do is dictate the course of action you take. It shouldn’t control or shape whom you are or what you want to achieve as a real estate investor.

On a conscious or subconscious level, all of us have felt the impact of fear in our lives. Whether it is the fear of making a decision, the fear of failure, a fear of what other people will think, or the fear of success - the consequences are the same.

Fear leads you to stop trying new things. Your comfort zone pulls tight around you and is rarely pushed further out than it needs to be. You feel stale, lethargic and wonder what’s missing in your life. Your creative energy is replaced with a survival instinct. On a subconscious level, you start to really believe that you aren’t good enough, or that there’s no way possible that you can achieve becoming a real estate investor. On a conscious level your body and mind responds to being fed negative statements.

So what are you afraid of?

What stops you from taking the next step forward that will keep you on the path of achieving your goals?

It’s a low level of self-confidence and self-esteem that makes you feel unhappy about yourself. Because your thoughts are based on feelings of inadequacy, you set your boundaries and standards very low and achieve little in your life.

The emotion of fear is part of being human. It’s perfectly normal to experience misgivings and doubts!

Fear will never go away no matter how self-confident or successful you are!

The key to overcoming fear is to feel good about yourself and think positively. Avoid negative people and then use that same energy that fear creates and turn it into positive energy in your life.

Only then can you turn indecision and fear into power and action.

You have simply to choices to make one is to live your life in the arena of The “Haves” or The “Have-Nots”.

Will you be a success? One will never know if you do not take the risk and seek out your dreams of becoming an investor.

Will you fail possibly so but with knowledge you can limit failure.

You now have two simple choices!

Choose education


Choose not to educate! You simply make no change! Life goes on as is!

If you are ready to educate yourself see:


This post looks like it was taken from a basic psychology book. I think your intent to educate is good but this information is a bit simplistic and not always true.

Believe it or not, there are many successful people with low self-esteem who keep making money and buying houses to prove to themselves that they are good enough. They never overcome their self-doubt, yet are very successful and remain afraid.

Others with excellent self-esteem and a high degree of confidence don’t succeed. It may be because they don’t pay attention to details as much, it may be because they lack the motivation, or it may be because they are over-confident risk takers

Fear is not the greatest single barrier to success in real estate and fear is never an asset. Letting go of fear is the trick, in fact I suggest you read Jampolski’s, “Love is Letting Go of Fear” for some great insight.

Da Wiz

well I would qualify that by saying the RIGHT kind of education is needed and from what I’ve seen from the rehashed stuff being sold by self proclaimed RE gurus, buying an overpriced RE course is not the way to get that education


I agree wholeheartedly. Most gurus are just recycling information that is readily available if you know how to do the research and charging an arm and a leg for it in the form of CD’s, books, etc. In my opinion, someone getting into real estate has to decide what niche is best for him/her and gather all the knowledge he/she can before jumping in.

Da Wiz

Education is the key to conquering fear. Knowing completely the risks your choices create allows you to decide if the risks are acceptable. Weasely pitches, like the one from johnmichael, turn me off. They basically ask you to dive into a pool without letting you check the depth of the water. I have found this to be very common in the RE circles. Think positive, you can’t loose!

I see 2 distinct types of people at real estate club meetings. Desperate folks trying to improve their situation and salespeople who want to exploit them. I go to these meetings with 2 purposes – trying to learn real estate investing and learning the tricks of salespersons to apply in my own business. The salespeople have given me plenty of ideas!

Why do instructors seem to always paint the ideal picture and never get into the problems you can face and how to approach those problems? Their class turns into a motivational speech and a sales pitch for their next course.

I love how one instructor answered the question ‘If you are making so much money, why are you teaching and selling courses?’ He said his mother taught him to give back to society if he is blessed with good fortune. How nice of him! Why does he charge $600 for his course instead of charging the actual cost to mass produce it (which I would guess is $50)? If he gave an honest answer, he’d have more credibility with me. An answer like the one he gave makes me doubt everything he said. Take note hucksters!

This site is pretty good. I’ve learned more reading one article on this site than I did in an 8 hour course I took recently. However, I approach everything with a healthy amount of skepticism.