Why is this being complicated? Expired or not, you are only interested in those motivated. The fact that it expired does not indicate motivation, it simply indicate that they want to sell so you are working with a narrowed down list.
From this narrowed down list, you are fishing for those truely motivated and need to sell. The seller needs to address their needs… what are they looking for?
They no longer can make monthly payments
Behind payments maybe
Bought another house
House in bad shape and regular home owners are not interested
list goes on
Now, the letter needs to answer these concerns. You should not bash agents and say they are not good. After all, investors do not have better reputation. You can explain to them why sometimes listing the house with agents is not in their best interest as they have experienced and how now they have a buyer who is willing to buy their house if they picked up the phone and called you.
The letter needs to be written as a regular conversation. Record yourself talking to them convincing them of how you can help them by addressing the points above then transcribe it into a letter and clean it up.
There is more to copywriting than just this, but this would be a good start.
Getting 100% response means nothing if none of them is really motivated. In fact, the higher the response rate with lower conversion rate may prove to be depressing. I rather have only the motivated call me.
The main problem with direct mail is not the content in the letter, its GETTING THE LETTER OPENED. If you can’t do this then you are wasting your money.
There’s nothing wrong with copying or “swiping” someone else’s letter, but just make sure that you aren’t making this critical direct mail mistake and ignoring everything else leading up to the letter… The envelope, the stamp, the hand writing on the front, the reason to open the mail, etc.
[size=14pt]Don’t think it’s just the letter that matters.
Dan Kennedy has a book called “The Ultimate Sales Letter”. Get it. Read it. Apply it to your own letters. He describes his formula for how to craft a sales letter that is unique and compelling which will help get your letter opened (the most important part).