Exchanging Links

I’m just curious…Do you even bother exchanging links? Where do you look for websites to exchange links with?

I have a new website and I want to trade links for better search engine results.

Generally speaking, trading links is no longer the path to getting better search engine rankings. The search engine companies have factored the whole “link swap” thing into their algorithms, so it does not matter as much, if at all.

What search terms are you trying to achieve good rankings for?

As I am sure you know, no one–and I mean no one–can guarantee a top placement for any search term (at least not search terms that actually have traffic).

You might consider a Google AdWords campaign to get your traffic kick-started. I have used AdWords successfully for a year now.

Good luck.

I agree that exchanging links is not what it used to be, but believe there is still a place for it.

You have to exchange with sites that are related to what your site is about. Also, try to exchange links with sites the have a Google page rank of at least 4.

You need to find sites that are complimentary but not competitors. Mortage brokers exchanging with investors or something like that, not investors exchanging with investors. Who wants to have a link to their competition on their site?