Environmental risk and electric service on residential property

I have an offer on a property which is in a semi-rural area. The town is small and old, and the lots are big. The former owner was a long haul trucker and a horder. There are multiple cars parked all over the lot. He has buiding material and flea market rubbish all over the lot and in both of the buildings.

How much attention would the building department pay to let’s say, doing core samples to see if this guy was dumping oil, radiator fluid, transmission fluid, differential fluid, Ect.?

Does anyone have experience with having to tie into the electric grid versus going solar? I think for 10 grand I should be able to get power to 1200 sqare feet of living space; does that sound right?

Is this California?

Too many questions to answer. Electric - where’e the nearest pole? It may be hundreds of thousands of dollars or very little.

Is there water? Is the meter still there?

Not sure on how to check environmental risk. If there’s grass I think I’d not worry too much.

Yes it’s in California.
Right. Well, when I priced solar, it seemed to me that in a worst case scenario, I could go off grid and power the place with solar for 10K. There is a pole to the house next door, and I’ve tried to call the electric service provider, they said that they would need to have an installation technician come out and take a look.

Are you investing or are you looking for a home?

Forget what the costs are for a minute, who will you sell or rent the place to? Assuming you did want to sell or that you wanted to get a loan on the place, what would the next person ask?

If there is an environmental problem you want it cleaned up before you buy. The costs could be unlimited and it could take a very long while.

I’d be very hesitant to buy a home without power at it. It would be cool for a cabin in the mountians but not for a home.