U.S. judge rules against Obama admin on drilling ban
The judge outrules the Messiahs request?
Ohh dear… Obama will not be happy. :anon
They’re already working on the appeal.
How dare a lowly judge intercede in the business of the immortals?
I heard the judge has been summoned to the WH to be taken out to the woodshed with General McChrystal…
:lol :biggrinparty
No matter what business leaders will always find a way around the system, that is why they are the leader and on the top.
Wow, I have never been in such a republican atmosphere, it’s refreshing to say the least. :] And fun to read! haha
It’s as simple as inspect the rigs,then let them work.Obama is SOros’s puppet and it could’nt be more obvious.Sad that people are suffering during this corrupt power play.
Any answers from any Obama zombies on why he/SOros are in bed with this company who is drilling 3 times deeper than Deepwater horizon??Or are yall too busy with your unicorn ranches?? :cool
Wow, I have never been in such a republican atmosphere, it's refreshing to say the least. :]
First - WELCOME to the forum!
I hope it’s not a “Republican” atmosphere. The republicans we’ve had lately (in Washington) have been a DISGRACE - borderline socialist if you ask me. Personally, I’m a CONSERVATIVE that is clinging to God and Guns!
I saw on CNBC that the judge who ruled has stocks in oil and gas… Not exactly fair and balanced… That should be a sticking point…
I saw on CNBC that the judge who ruled has stocks in oil and gas... Not exactly fair and balanced... That should be a sticking point..
That’s not a conflict if you compare it to Osama’s giving $2 BILLION to his socialist friend Soros to drill even deeper in Brazil!!! Or compared to The Environmental Wacko in Chief’s cap and tax plan. Now, THOSE are REAL CONFLICTS!!! (multi-billion and multi-trillion dollar conflicts)
He had less than $15,000 in TransOcean stock. I don’t think that was the determining factor lets be real.
He has more than Transocean. I can’t remember the names, buy one of them is a driller. If I was juror, I’d be considered to have a conflict of interest and likely be eliminated by the govt. if I had those stocks… Judges should be no different.
IT’s about thousands of jobs that will probably be gone for a long time.This is one of the main incomes for this area,so what if the judge holds stock in it.Does anyone here not invest in something in there area?? :rolleyes
Liberals,always go into overtime and investigate a person when the decision can just make perfect sense.Here’s an “investigation” for you,check into your own damn president and his numerous ties to SOros!!!
Initially I didn’t see a huge problem with the ban, but after reading more, this ban could be disastrous. 150,000 jobs are affected, that’s a ton.
Pretty horrible decision on Obama’s part.
I don’t agree with ban either, but the govt. can appeal and keep things in limbo longer than those people can hang on financially. I’m not talking about the oil workers. They have some money from the “BP” fund. but its the indirect impact on the local businesses. This is a BAD move by BO… These people are suffering enough. BO’s making it worse…
I read a law was passed in 1995 by Clinton administration that made the EPA the first and soley in charge of an “oilspill”(we’re way passed the “spill” point).So I ask anyone,why the hell is BP still running the show.To this day=thursday june 24th.
Let me give you a little peak inside what’s actually happening that you won’t see on the news.I personally know 5 people working boats and none of them know each other.They each told me the same story on what they are doing.The are spotting oil,then calling in the cordinance,then suddenly the oil slick is gone within a couple of days.Get this dirty little fact ,they are flying the planes at night dumping the dispursement!!!
Britain outlawed this toxic poison after only 30,000 gal(BP is a Britain co.).The longterm effects of this poison are totally unknown.But the EPA told BP to quit using it after two weeks,and yet guess what.They are still dumping it by the tons!!!2 million gallons and counting.
It’s the death of the entire coast happening,and Obama/BP/Soros fingerprints are all over it,come down and I’ll show you.