DOW JONES ROLLER COASTER - Down 400!!! Save me a seat - BUY me a TIX!!

seen this 2 years ago coming, lol hehe

but wait…FORD PROFITS!!! that means things will be ok,thats journalism marketing for you…trying to cushion the fall with bogus news about FORD,of course ford will make some $$$$…they just disposed of a bunch of employees and sold some crap///,only temporary!!!

PLUNGE PROTECTION TEAM are my heroes …they are working 24/7 now lol hehehe

SAVE ME PPT save me save m save sav sa s ,

my 2 cents

Robert A. Doncaster, Jr. - “RAD”
Import/Export Entrepreneur & Investor

Chicago Illinois USA
& sometimes Salzburg, Austria

Got to disagree with you on FORD.

Mullaly’s plan is bearing fruit. Just wait…


2 years from now FORD’s at $30/share

Show me a home you guy’s can buy and make 400% in 2 years in THIS real estate market.

The stock market it’s self is toast. no doubt, but now is the time to look at stocks that HAVEN’T participated in this rally.

Fords got some rough road ahead BUT… a $750 million dollar profit in 3 months ain’t a fluke boys.

i meant ford profits are temporary…i agree they will come back,2 years i doubt…maybe 4-5…its going to take longer then 2 years to flush through the system…but i do agree $30 for Ford buy 2012 NOT 2009 lol hehe

p.s. holding homes is what i am doing…cash flows…appreciation will come when i sell many many years later when things return to normal appreciation

p.p.s. pete the prison stocks i told u about will be better ROI within the 2 years…bet u a pack of gum… lol hehe

my 2 cents

Robert A. Doncaster, Jr. - “RAD”
Import/Export Entrepreneur & Investor

Chicago Illinois USA
& sometimes Salzburg, Austria

my 2 cents

Robert A. Doncaster, Jr. - “RAD”
Import/Export Entrepreneur & Investor

Chicago Illinois USA
& sometimes Salzburg, Austria


I think your prison stock play is brilliant.

Whenever our economy has gone into the crapper crime increases. We’re already seeing stats that confirm this. Lose your job, then your house, then your wife, and a lot of those people will end up staying at one of your “facility’s”

Good call.

They are just rentals…with bars. And wonderfully built to withstand even the harshest tenant abuse.

Oh me likey prison stocks, and Ford… and you guys forgot the vice stocks… gambling, casinos, and tobacco… only thing would be better is a lottery stock! lol

Can you give me a few examples of prison stocks? A few symbols I can take a look at?

Interesting about the prison stocks…You have any specific ones that you’re targeting or some examples?

i don’t know of any but seems like there should be a prison REIT out there somewhere.

do i have to do all the work, lol hehe


i made money on these over the years …since 1995 …i hąve shorted them and all the other option tricks…they are good holders etc, etc etc…these will always make money if u follow the news and awarded govt contracts…do the preliminary research

they will go up again in the coming years…u folks missed some good profit taking over the years

my 2 cents

Robert A. Doncaster, Jr. - “RAD”
Import/Export Entrepreneur & Investor

Chicago Illinois USA
& sometimes Salzburg, Austria

You can’t argue with this:

5 yr CXW chart…