I’m stunned to admit that I also agree with Jake. The alternative to intervention was too scary to consider. The other thing that people may not be considering is that in the long run the government could make money from this. When they bailed out Chrysler, they were paid back every penny plus more. We could break even on this bailout if we could just get out out of this stupid war.

All i have to say is welcome to the new USSA!!!

Im not complaining as a weakling… As fdjake mentions you can make money in any market…

BUT, i am furious that we as the American people have been fleeced, hoodwinked and then tricked into sucking up bad debt setup by banks… In president bushwacked’s own words, “MOST of this money will EVENTUALLY be repaid”… Bullshit… Sounds eerily like something most of us have probably heard before “the checks in the mail, i’m good for it, i swear”…

I dont know about you guys but i dont recall seeing a check in my mailbox from the banks sharing their profits when they were sucking it down by the fistfuls… But, when shit goes down, they come crying like little kids that got their butt kicked in a fist fight…

Now, we get saddled with their bad debts so that they can go on making more and more money!!! I feel like we were playing musical chairs and the tax payers got left w/o a seat…

How is nobody furious? Why is there no outcry? Our national debt doubled on a fateful Sunday 2 weeks ago and now we just committed to taking on more bad debt (~ another 2 Trillion)!

This is our debt! Debt backed by our hard work and labor, backed by every American’s labor. Even if some of us/we make money, national debt is still debt that is backed by each and every one of us, the tax payers.

Our kids will be on the hook for this. Our country is on the hook for this. Money/capital, flees when countries go bankrupt… After that all that is left is the former shell of a once great country…

In the mean time we get left destitute. The way i see it, a sad day indeed.

God do I love Federal intervention …$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$…

Its good for the private individual who knows what they are doing…

Dont get me wrong, i believe in what fdjake is saying. Like i said, there is money to be made when the market is going up or crashing down.

BUT, i am sad for the nation, as we are willfully bankrupting a nation.

Debt doesnt dissappear. Its wrapped around our necks and eventually the nations that are willfully loaning us money will make us their slap dummy.

This is EXACTLY what cracks me up about REPUBLICANS. These MORONS have been telling us about the TAX and SPEND Democrats FOREVER.

Here’s a math question…

Add up all Bush’s tax cuts then add up DEBT that this MESS has created and will cost us…Then tell me the Democrats are going to raise my taxes. :banghead :banghead :banghead :banghead
Are you sh*ttin me??? The Republicans just CAUSED the single BIGGEST TAX INCREASE IN THE HISTORY OF THIS COUNTRY. That occurred because there was virtually NO REGULATION of ANY KIND, in ANY of these markets, for the last 8 years.

I say let the Democrats take a stab at it. The Republicans (who I usually support) BLEW IT…BIG, BIG, BIG!!

:banana :banana :banana

the stock market is rigged right now fellas. the government has BANNED short selling almost 800 financial stocks and is going to take all their bad debt and make it the governments problem.

ummmmm how can these stocks not go up for the next 2 Weeks ??? the last 2 days up almost 800 pts. because the FED and SEC have stacked the deck. the stock market would have crashed along with the worlds stock markets. thats why they acted.

all i know is this week i will be all over the market buying and selling along with everyone else. its almost like stealing right now.

buy the names that have been dragged through the mud MS GS WM WB. the ones that have lost the most, they wil gain the most. until oct2 the financials will go up daily. buy UYG thats the eft for all of them.

I bought oil and gold for the weekend. I’m thinking the news over the weekend will be INFLATION and these 2 will do better than the banks monday. if not back into the banks i go harder.


Can you do me a BIG favor?? Can you tell us all about a time when you lost a lot of money?? There has to be a time? I admit, I am jealous at your speculative plays, I wish I had the clairvoyances you have with stocks, but it’s just not a trait for human beings. That is why I think if you really make all of these speculative moves, there has to be a time or two when you totally lost your ass. Right?

I keep thinking of the foreclosures i made offers on and the banks reject the offers. now that debt is Slaughtering big banks on a global scale.


Im sure jake has made a losing trade. Its impossible not to. but the same with any investment. Have you bought a house that need more than you planned ? Something went wrong with it after you purchased it and had to fix it ? had a tenant not pay rent and was forced to evict ? i think the tenant not paying is a good analogy of picking the wrong stock. you could done more background research but in the end its up to them to keep their job and pay on time. you pick a stock and hope they’re not lying about earnings and pray that they dont have negative news.

I really do not like getting into these debates.

If Bush could run for 3rd term, half the country would still vote for him based on his religious stance regardless of everything that happened.

The problems we ran into are not because the government’s intervention. This is just the concequence.

The problems we ran into are because the wrong guy was elected based on religious base and not qualifications or ability to run the country. Even after he screwed up in the first term, he was reelected on the same basis.

One would argue that the tax payers are not paying this hefty bill due to the government intervention, but due to the conservatives that put this idiot in power just so they could protect their illusions.

We have sacrificed over 4,000 young men and a 4 billion dollars a month war bill on the wrong war, and some STILL support him. He killed double the number of the victims of 9/11 and some STILL support him. Not because he did good job, but because he is concervative.

I don’t get how bailing out our financial institutions gets questioned when the cost pales in comparison to what he did to our country and our young men.

We are not paying these bills because of socialists. We are paying these bills because of concervatives who voted him TWICE and continue to support him.

Want a true capitalist system? tax only those who supported him and put him in office.

Flame on :slight_smile:

My Bad

noted and reply removed :slight_smile:

John in NC,

Let’s recap and you guy’s can tell me if you REALLY need to be clairvoyant to make money investing in stocks…
We’ll even use FORD as an example because YOU could actually BUY this stock NOW…BEFORE the minions see what is in front of their faces. So here’s YOUR chance to be clairvoyant!!!

1)Big car company (Ford) BLOWS IT by not paying attention to their MARKET.

2)Gas prices hit NEVER BEFORE seen levels and people STOP buying SUV’s.
BUT…What has happened to those gas prices??? Seems CHINA isn’t
the REAL reason oil went up so high. It was ACTUALLY…SPECULATION.
As witnessed by the DOZENS of hedge funds BLOWING up weekly because of LONG postions they put on in the OIL MARKETS!! Either way, Ford gets hit AGAIN.

3)So the Economy REALLY DOES WEAKEN as the greatest Real Estate BUBBLE in History DEFLATES (who DIDN’T see this coming?) Remember the joyous days of yesterday when economists told us we wouldn’t even have a RECESSION?? OH, the simple days!

  1. The Economy REALLY starts to slow now, car sales virtually STOP, and WALL STREET (and us) finally has to ante up on a long over due BILL.

  2. U.S. Car companies are on the brink of going under. It’s an election year so NO POLITICIAN of EITHER party wants the blood of GM or Ford on their hands, So they do what I’ve been TELLING YOU they would. They approve Low cost loans or GUARANTEES just like they did almost 30 years ago for Chrysler. Again…who DIDN’T see this coming???

  3. At some point in the next few years. People WILL, believe it or not, REALIZE that…WOW…Houses REALLY GOT CHEAP in the last few years!!! I think I’ll BUY ONE. That will light off the economy like it has for GENERATIONS!! People will feel decent again, carpenters and a whole lot of other peole will be working. They’ll feel good enough to actually buy cars again!! I know this is RADICAL THINKING but stay with me.

  4. One benefit of this massive global slow down??? OIL PRICES will have fallen to $50 - $70 /barrel. Remember this is 2 to 3 years out. By that time $3/gallon gas won’t bother ANYONE. (Remember when $1 gas blew everyones minds?) People WILL adjust to $3/ gallon gas. My guess is they might just decide they miss that PICKUP or SUV they sold in 2008 and want ANOTHER ONE!!! When you have 3 kids…driving around in a Honda Civic after having an EXPLORER, gets OLD REAL FAST!!! Again…RADICAL THINKING… I know.

  5. Ford…having negotiated GROUND BREAKING new contracts in 2007 with the UAW is seeing INCREDIBLE cost savings. They have brought over their TOP SELLING models from Ford Europe (which in 2007 GAINED 9% market share) and they actually seem to be SELLING.

  6. Out of the Blue… FORD is BEATING their RECESSION ERA SALES NUMBERS (again… DUH… it was a RECESSION) but that won’t matter to Wall St. they’ll just see the numbers moving UP every quarter and PILE into the stock like bums chasing a $20 bill down the street on a windy day.

  7. And FINALLY…Someone here will write that they WISHED they had my CLAIRVOYANT ability to buy stock! :shocked

The question I have for you John, is…HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU HAVE TO READ THIS STUFF BEFORE YOU PULL THE TRIGGER??? Go back and RE-READ the posts. ANYONE can tell you about a trade AFTER the news is out. THAT’S BULLSH*T. I’ve told you about trades BEFORE I put them on. I even went as far as to post PRICES and DATES of entry!! Can it be made any easier?

I must say…It fascinates me that you want to hear about times I LOST MONEY!!! I think that is a HUGE insight into your thinking. I have laid out trade after trade here. BEFORE prices went up…but you want to hear about when I lost money??? I believe you have said that you don’t invest in stocks because you don’t understand them. That’s very smart. Believe me…I’m not knocking you John, I’ve read many of your posts and I KNOW you’re an intelligent guy who is very successful in life. I just think you may have bought into one of the biggest myths out there…That you have to be some kind of mystic to make money investing in stocks. YOU DON’T…Believe me…What you DO have to be is…PATIENT. I WAIT…sometimes for VERY LONG periods of time…without buying a SINGLE SHARE of ANYTHING. I know the car business. They don’t call it CYCLICAL for nothing. These stocks CYCLE with the economy.

I’ve told this story here before…but it bears repeating…In 2005 I owned 5… 3 family homes and a few single families. I had stored a motorcycle at one of them in a garage. One spring day I rolled out the bike and put a FOR SALE sign in the ground next to it with just a phone number. After a few hours it started to rain. I pulled the bike back inside but got a phone call and forgot the sign which now was in front of the house. THAT DAY…Let me repeat this…THAT DAY…I received 38 phone calls on the “HOUSE FOR SALE” at that point I decided we were in a NON-SUSTAINABLE Real Estate BUBBLE. I sold EVERY SINGLE residential property (except mine) that I owned. It took exactly 2 weeks to sell 8 properties. That was NOT NORMAL… This BEATING Ford has taken is EXACTLY the opposite side of the same theory. “You get OUT when everyone ELSE is getting IN… and get IN when they’re getting OUT!!”

As far as losing my @SS. The KEY to successful trading is PULLING THE PLUG when a trade goes against you. I have lost money on numerous ocassions (and in EVERY case it happened when I didn’t follow my own methods. As you do this more and more, you just LEARN not to deviate) But…I NEVER even came CLOSE to losing my @ss as you say.
I don’t have anything to prove in the markets or here. If you enter these trades with the attitude that a trade represents YOU being RIGHT or WRONG…YOUR SCREWED!!! I may enter a position in a certain stock on NUMEROUS occasions and at various price points until I feel events are lining up in my favor. Once that happens, and you have a CATALYST (like a GOVERMENT LOAN for $25 BILLION!!) you BACK UP THE TRUCK and LOAD UP. Once your fully invested, you simply sit back and WAIT for the DOPES on Wall St. to SEE what you already identified. FORD… is a TEXT BOOK example of what I’m trying to TEACH you.

In my experience just about EVERY SINGLE THING I’ve ever been told or taught about investing is absolute BULLSH*T. When you see an opportunity that you have waited years to develope (FORD) you dive in ALL THE WAY. “Diversification is for people who don’t know what they’re doing.” That quote is from BILLIONAIRE (and fellow Ford share holder) Kirk Kerkorian.

IN 2 to 3 years people here will be writing about how they WISHED they had bought in back in 2008, it NEVER FAILS. Look at what people wrote 2 years ago when I said we were headed for the biggest financial disaster since the Great Depression. Remember the comments??? Chicken Little, Sky is Falling, Mr. Doom and Gloom, I had people telling me they HATED my posts because they were so negative… WELL, WELL, WELL…Here we are…I don’t take ANY pleasure in being correct in my sentiments, what I do take pleasure in is PROFITING FROM THE OBVIOUS!!! Now Vader and ChrisW are saying they enjoy reading my posts. I appreciate their comments, and I respect both of them…but WHAT TOOK SO LONG??? People SEE IT when it’s TOO LATE or they don’t WANT to see it.

John… Ford WILL NOT be allowed to fail. Just like after an UNPRECEDENTED Real Estate BOOM, we are having an UNPRECIDENTED Real Estate BUST. The part most people FAILED to see was…WHO THE REAL LOSERS WOULD BE!!! It wasn’t the HOME BUYERS…It was the BANKS!! Did it take mystic GENIUS to see this??? Cripes…NO ONE actually OWNS their home until the BANK IS PAID OFF!!! Was it genius to see that if prices FELL, these banks were SCREWED???
I wrote in 2006 that a Major Swiss bank was warning their PRIVATE BANKING CLIENTS (that’s RICH people) that the U.S. was heading for a Depression like event due to RAMPANT specualtion in housing and TERRIBLE loan products. The reponse???

“Who cares what Swiss bankers think.”

At THAT exact moment…I KNEW we were screwed!! When the MASSES can’t SEE the OBVIOUS…I’ll take the other side of that bet EVERYTIME!!!

You can watch, or you can EARN… EARNING requires b@lls…WATCHING requires…NOTHING!!

500 points seems huge when the press is beating the hysteria drum, but in reality, it is about $5.

lol fdjake, its like you are screaming through my computer.

I can hear what you’re saying, fdjake. My mouse button finger was sitting here on the BUY, but then I had another thought. Ok, the theory is that once economic hard times are over, people go out and buy cars. I can see that. However, why would they buy Ford? Why not Toyota or Audi or Saturn? Wouldn’t it make more sense to buy a car company ETF?

Please respond soon; my mouse BUY finger is really itchy. Haha! :bobble

Here’s what your missing…

IN EUROPE Ford competes with HONDA and TOYOTA just like it does here. Not only do they compete with them but they do it in a market that pays $8/gallon for gas. So not only is Ford BEATING Honda and Toyota in a market for small fuel efficient cars, their BEATING them in MARKET SHARE!!

Why would people buy these new European Fords???

For the same reason people in Europe do…they are VASTLY better cars than what we get in America!!


The automotive press is already saying these cars DRIVE BETTER than their Japanese competition. THAT…is why people will buy them.

Do you own a Honda or Toyota??? I’ve literally had HUNDREDS of these cars. THEY ARE APPLIANCES!! NO ONE…let me repeat this…
NO ONE…is taking the long way home in their CAMRY or ACCORD because they just LOVE driving the car. The Japanese build GREAT cars, don;t get me wrong, but they are as BORING as hell to drive.
Here’s what Europeans get for THEIR Accord and Camry competition…(coming soon to the U.S.!!)
I pretty sure they could move a few of these here!!!

One last point that a LOT of you are missing…

Ford DOES NOT have to BEAT Honda or TOYOTA to WIN here.

IN this investment FORD has only to beat ITSELF!! Get it??? If Ford puts up BETTER numbers in 2010 (and they will) Wall Street is going to be comparing those numbers NOT TO TOYOTA, but to FORD’S 2008 & 2009 NUMBERS!!! See the beauty here??? Wall St. LIVES on year to year comparisions. When Ford brings these cars over they will generate a TON of press. Have you noticed the number of Ford Edges on the road?? I see these cars EVERYWHERE. The new Flex’s are popping up too. Reviews for the Flex have been EXCELLENT!!

Doc. Do yourself a HUGE favor…and I’m dead serious here.
Go down to your local car rental agency and RENT yourself a Ford Edge for a few days. Your thinking about investing REAL MONEY here. DO THE RENTAL THING!!! There is absolutely NO BETTER way to evaluate a car than driving it for a weekend. What’s it gonna cost you??? $200?? How much is that itchy finger about to spend??? RENT THE CAR!!! THEN DECIDE.

I’ll ask only one favor from you…

After you return the EDGE write about it here.

I did this myself a few months ago. Not because of the investment, that was already done. I did it because my family and I were taking a trip and I am thinking about buying an EGDE or MKX (Lincoln’s version of the same CUV) for my wife. Not only did my wife LOVE the car, my 8 year old son did too!! My wife has driven EVERYTHING, from Mercedes Benz, Lexus, BMW, Honda, Toyota, she is not easily impressed. It was the little things that she liked…the way the volume on the radio increases and decreases automatically with vehicle speed, the seats are EXCELLENT (very comfortable), the driving postion. ect. When my WIFE wanted one, I KNEW I had an incredible investment on my hands.

Todays oil rally is fake. right now is good time to buy stocks related to that. I mean that go up when oil is down. Autmotive, Airlines, Shipping

I loaded up on airlines today after selling my oil and gold plays that worked out beautifully over the weekend.

oil rose the most it has in history today !! was there a war or crisis ??? no it was a technical play to kill the shorts and they are dead !!!

the only + for oil rallying is the us dollar will lose some value vs other currencies and oil and gold is traded in us dollars. so if the dollar loses value gold oil goes up === INFLATION. but for this rally to really stick it needs demand theirs still supply the demand is not there. the usa is in recession and it’s not denied anymore. if the usa slows down the world economies Really slow down.

If you guys want a safe play that wont make rich overnight but will make you some real interest. buy and hold DUG (oil short) and SMN (commodities short) those will make you a nice investment and hold them for a year.

stocks i picked up today UAUA, NWA and F also.

the stock market is a bag of lies, learning to play those lies correctly is how you make money. GLA

Couldn’t agree more!!!

watch oil prices this week. if the go up get ready to buy a stock related to it. this is the whole point buying low selling high. I jumped in right away thinking this rally will lose ground tomorrow and on through the week. It might stick for the week and have me sweating but i’m sticking with what i know.

this oil price is not sustainable

Everything that was said here could happen, but I doubt it. The subprime problems; the bank failures; the mortgage crisis; etc, etc, etc, are all just symptoms of the real problem. That real problem is the overspending of both the citizens and the government over the past several decades. The American people have borrowed until they’re on the verge of bankruptcy to buy silly consumer items and to life a style that is clearly beyond their means. As a government, we have mandated entitlements for every special interest group until we’re so far in debt that we’ll only be able to pay the INTEREST on the debt in the near future. Social Security and Medicare are RAPIDLY going broke and now we’re bailing out large companies right and left (with money that is backed by absolutely nothing and created out of thin air!

What is happening is like a man trying to roll a snowball up a steep hill. The snowball is small in the beginning. However, everytime the man gives the snowball a shove, it gathers snow and grows larger. Due to social security, medicare, welfare, medicaid, foodstamps, and a bunch of entitlements that were created and have grown over the past few decades, the snowball was already much bigger than the man in 2001. Then, the dot com crash and 911 occurred and the man had to really strain to move that snowball (by pumping billions into the economy and offering home loans to everyone with a pulse). Despite all his effort, the snowball didn’t go very far uphill and when it got back to the man in 2007, it was giant (due to the housing crash)! By 2008, it took EVERYTHING the man had to move the snowball. How much farther up the hill it will go is still unknown, but it will be MASSIVE when it gets back to the man. At some point, the snowball will roll over the man and crush him (the economy will collapse).

This is NOT just a run of the mill business cycle. What we are witnessing is the decline of a once-great civilization. Much like the Roman Empire and many other great civilizations, our excesses have destroyed us. We’ve lost the great pioneering spirit and replaced it with a whiney, entitlement mentality in which everyone is a victim that needs a handout. We were able to delude ourselves into believing that we were on the right track, until out excesses caused our businesses to move offshore and our jobs were outsourced to more competitive nations.

Now, our baby boomers are beginning to retire and fewer taxpayers will be expected to shoulder the massive debt left by our excesses. No, this is not a normal business cycle. The game is over and we lost. We will soon be facing an economic collapse which will make the great depression look like a minor correction. It is an absolute certainty, the only question is when. Is that happening now or will the government be able to give that huge snowball one more push before we’re crushed.

The government has stated the position that they will not allow the market to collapse. Obviously, by their over-reaction to recent events, they won’t even allow the market to go down significantly. The free market is over and socialism is here (and we all know how socialistic governments end)!
