I wasn’t disagreeing with anyone. Im just stating a lesson I learned from last week… :biggrin :banghead
In my opinion, everything going on depends on the government. Will the market be up or down on Monday? It depends on what the government does or doesn’t do. Some new soothing government gibberish along with the promise of a new bailout - MARKET UP! Bad news from Europe without government gibberish - market down! Unfortunately, there may be government deals made behind the scenes that are known only to the big banks (which literally OWN the Fed) that the average investor will never know about. In my opinion, the level of market manipulation by the government is at unprecedented levels. I wouldn’t be surprised one bit to find out that the Fed is directly buying and selling the market to control levels in the major markets - to promote confidence you know.
If that’s correct Mike, than there are ways to profit from that… Buy the corresponding index ETF’s when markets go up… Short them when they go down. That’s how I see it anyway. There are many other reasons for market direction. The govt. doesn’t have the ultimate power of it. The reasons why a stock or a market goes up or down may not be kown for days or weeks, but it really does’nt matter. Go with the direction.
Buy the corresponding index ETF's when markets go up.. Short them when they go down
Except that you’ve got to buy BEFORE they go up and short before they go down.
The govt. doesn't have the ultimate power of it.
I disagree - because the government has UNLIMITED money with which to manipulate the market.
Go with the direction.
That’s good advice - can you tell me what the direction will be tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year?
Mike. I don’t think you understand what I meant… My comment was based on what you posted… You said yourself that you know what direction the markets will go depending on what the govt. says or does (look back a few posts)… I said, " IF THAT WERE TRUE"… So by that logic, if you know that the markets are going up based on the govt.'s comments… BUY the corresponding ETF,Stock etc… that benefit from that… If you think the market is going down based on the govt.'s comments, SELL the corresponding ETF, stocks… etc… that stand to decline because of it… You don’t necessarily have to know ahead of time (although it helps), but on any given day, if it looks like the general markets are going up or down, buy or sell the ETF’s that mimick those indexes… You can get a sense of the amount of sellers and buyers by looking at the TICK and TRIN of the major indexes, Advance/ decline lines, etc. You don’t need a crystal ball or ESP. You just have to get a sense of the market direction and go with it… Pick your spots… Besides anyone who says they know where the markets are going for sure is :bs. Following the “If, then rule” is a good idea IMO… If the market does this, do that…
Except that you've got to buy BEFORE they go up and short before they go down.
I don’t agree with that…
Better to initiate once trend establishes itself…at least that’s my approach.
Phelmboy…glad to see you’re working hard at it…we should get back to emailing.
Indeed! :biggrin I figured you were busy with the rehab… How that goin’?
filling up another dumpster this week.
Don’t give up on 10,000 yet! Who knows what rabbit Obama might pull out of his hat today? Maybe a Trillion Dollar bailout for Americas Zoos. I can’t think of anything or anyone else that hasn’t already been bailed out!
The thing I find comical about the opinions of the market are the same as always…There is always I told you so’s on the way up and down in all times…This market made a spectacular bounce and now we are getting a pullback…Every market move is overly exaggerated,always has been and always will be…I dont feel at all like this is the beginning of something bigger…I also DO NOT feel its a buy yet…You can bet Im watching,sitting in my seat in silence waiting for my chance to pounce…Maybe we get that washout so many are waiting for,maybe its another bear trap,maybe we go to 12k by years end…Who the heck knows…All I know is I love volatility…Stretch that rubber band as far as it will go before it snaps and thats where I want in at…
Maybe we get that washout so many are waiting for,maybe its another bear trap,maybe we go to 12k by years end...Who the heck knows...
great point!..who the heck knows!
forget about the why…concentrate on what the market is doing.
What IS the market doing?
pretty pronounced downtrend…
Here’s a good article.
[b]Here’s a useful piece of advice for investors: Act like a bloodhound and ignore everything except the evidence that shows up in front of your nose. The economy in the 1930s couldn’t have been worse, but since Coke was very profitable, the stock price rose from $20 in 1932 to $160 in 1937. Imagine making eight times your money when everyone around you was predicting the end of the world.-Peter Lynch[/b]</blockquote>
some nice volatility… :biggrin
turn on the ridges of that dime…full about face:
thanks rookie…nice to hear thoughts from a clear, concise thinker.
I definitely think we are headed for a double dip recession. A recent post I came across pointed out 7 reasons why. A good read http://moneyloansnow.net/7-economic-sins-scream-double-dip-recession/2010/08/