Thats exactly right Mike…I get paid to change on a dime…I dont go down with the ship like you…The QQQQ trade was just one of 5 massive trades I did Friday…My earnings for the past weekend surpass your entire 2010 Rent roll…probably 2009’s also…You are a joke and everyone knows it…I have posted my trades and the $$$ amount many times here in ADVANCE…My credibility stands…What have you proved to be correct about?..Nothing…Because you dont know anything other than to flap your gums like a child…This forum is your personal sand box to kick and cry in and no one will do anything about it…Because you are the big bad moderator who cant shoot straight…Fact is you talk out of your a$$…You have no knowledge of the equity markets,you have no knowledge of economics,you have a big mouth and shoot from the hip about things you have no insight about…You are small time…Enjoy collecting those section 8 checks…Fact is in a 24 hour period I made than you make all year and more…Flap your gums some more…Lets see who gets listened to more…Me or you?..
I still feel we have to pullback to move higher…But I dont fight the tape…
I’m curious about just how much of today’s rally was short covering. How do you know how to decipher it. I also think the indexes need to pull back in order to move higher. I’m learning as I go, but it appears that prices in stocks need to level off or pull back so the market gets comfortable at each level.
Fact is in a 24 hour period I made than you make all year and more..
I’ve never seen anyone brag more than you. For someone who claims to make so much money, you certainly seem very unhappy.
I would imagine a good portion of yesterdays rally was short covering…Too many people jumped on the bandwagon all at once…The economy isnt falling apart and many companies are doing alot better than first thought…The equity markets are a FUTURE indicator…That doesnt mean we arent in for a bumpy ride and a pullback…Its healthy for the markets if we get a pullback…
This coming from Mr.Happy (you)…The only time you speak is yelling bloody socialists this and blankin socialists that !!!..That is what I call a content happy man…You battle it out everyday with a new political foe here and you have the brass ball$ to form an opinion on my happiness…Unlike you I’m very content with my life and my career…You start the arguments then when you have no more ammunition you come up with I’m unhappy…LOL…I have a grin from ear to ear…Watching the unraveling of you on this forum makes me laugh every time…I only brag as you say when you flap your gums about things you have no clue about…Like I said I will take the other side of your idiotic posts everytime I feel you are posting smack…Everytime…Maybe I should I start a thread on how to be a successful propertymanager…Carry a 40 caliber (check)…Shotgun in the pickup (check)…Stable of bum tenants (check)…Waiting for Section 8 checks to arrive to live off of (check)…Spending endless time fighting the big bad socialists on a real estate forum (check)…Talking about things I know nothing about (check)…
Maybe I should I start a thread on how to be a successful propertymanager..Carry a 40 caliber (check)...Shotgun in the pickup (check)..Stable of bum tenants (check)..Waiting for Section 8 checks to arrive to live off of (check)..Spending endless time fighting the big bad socialists on a real estate forum (check)..
Carry a .40 Caliber Glock - yes! Shotgun in the pickup - no. Stable of bum tenants - no. Stable of lazy deadbeats who live off the taxpayer - yes! Waiting for Section 8 checks to arrive - no - they always arrive on time. Spending a lot of time fighting the big bad socialists - ABSOLUTELY - however most of that fight is in the real world - not on a internet forum. That’s the beauty of not having a 9-5 job - I’ve got plenty of time to work on important things - like fighting big government socialism on a local, state, and national level! I’m surprised that every capitalist in the country isn’t fighting for capitalism - but I guess many are too busy working that 9-5 to do anything but try to make a buck. LOL!
Here’s a pertinent quote to brighten your day:
‘A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government’
‘A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury’
‘From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship’
‘The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years’
‘During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:
From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage’
I’d say that we’re at the dependence stage when capitalists aren’t concerned that their country is being taken over by overt socialists; when big wall street banks are dependent of government bailouts for their “profit”; and when tens of millions of Americans are dependent on government handouts for their survival. Next stop for the USA - bondage!
It is like you are living back in1776. The world has changed. The times have changed.
How are you working towards change? What are you doing on a daily basis other than arguing here on this forum and others? Are you running for office? Are you starting a grassroots movement? Are you mentoring some young underprivileged children? Teaching them to stand on their own two feet instead of looking for a hand-out from the government?
Rookie is playing the game and from the looks of it it seems that he is winning. He is doing what he loves to do in the greatest city in the world. Who cares if he has to go to his 9-5 everyday. If you truly love what you do it is not really work anyway. I love my job (or at least I used to) so it never bothers me to get up in the morning and head to the office.
Driving around armed to the teeth trying to squeeze rent money out of deadbeats and fixing clogged toilets and broken faucets sounds like a freaking nightmare to me.
It is like you are living back in1776. The world has changed. The times have changed.
I’d say that you got that right - the world HAS changed! The uneducated, ignorant masses have voted in a socialist as president with the hope of getting a new handout. The government has taken over, or controls, huge portions of the private sector. Instead of suffering at the tyranny of a King - we are under the tyranny of a socialist who is intent on destroying our way of life.
How are you working towards change? What are you doing on a daily basis other than arguing here on this forum and others?
That’s an EXCELLENT question! I’m working toward change in several ways.
I’m the campaign manager for a very conservative candidate for county office.
I am part of the working group for the local tea party.
I am active with a state-wide gun rights group and attend state and national gun rights advocacy events - as well as personally lobbying state congress persons regarding guns rights issues. So far this year, I have attended the Ohio Second Amendment March, the National Second Amendment March, an open-carry (armed) protest in front of the Columbus dispatch (to protest their anti-gun editorials), have had breakfast with a state senator and several meetings with other state congressmen, and I’m working on the campaign for a candidate for the U.S. House. In addition, I’ve attended 3 state House and Senate committee meetings regarding changing the concealed carry law in Ohio to allow Concealed Carry Licensees to carry handguns in restaurants and other establishments that serve alcohol.
I am suing the city over their attempt to collect tenant water bills from landlords - which is CLEARLY ILLEGAL AND IMMORAL!
I am in the process of organizing a group to fight our city’s irresponsible spending and to fight them on a tax increase ballot initiative in November.
I will be circulating petitions for the Ohio Project - which is an attempt to put an initiative on the state ballot in November, which will stop The Chosen One from forcing Ohioans to buy insurance under his socialized healthcare program.
What are YOU doing to fight for YOUR country and YOUR way of life?
…and, here, I thought all along that he was in New York City!
Status Filled at $48.32
Status Filled at $48.32
Symbol QQQQ
Action Sell
Quantity 5000 Shares
Route FDLM
Order Type Market
Time in Force Day
Conditions None
Trade Type Cash
Market Session Standard
Order Date 05/11/2010, 02:05:06 PM ET
Cancel Date
Order Number E11CRDVZ
Date Time Price Quantity Total
05/11/2010 02:05:08 PM $48.32 5000.000 $241,600.59
NET TOTAL 5000.000 $241,600.59
I sold half for Mike,plus almost $3…This market is ready to squeeze then its a dead short for the next day imo…But we will see…
Mike, I am in Ohio south of Dayton and that tenant water bill issue has been bouncing around in the state legislature for awhile. GDREIA(Greater Dayton Real Estae Investors Association) has been petitioning and lobbying this for as long as I have been going to meetings. I get into more arguments over this issue than any other I have with city governments. I am NOT the one that extends credit to a tenant and then fails to turn the water off when they don’t pay their bill and let it go months before shutting it off. I am not the one who does NOT require a deposit to cover such an instance. They state it is too much of a hardship for the tenant. WHAT??? But it’s ok for them to stick the landlord with the bill for their poor judgment to allow a tenant to get water without a deposit??? It is such a crock. And then they can go and get water service somewhere else. It is simply ridiculous that they allow this to happen. I hope it eventually gets overturned.
Lets see…
I volunteer in my community. I volunteer at my church. I coach multiple sports at different grade levels which allows me to impact the lives of children in a meaningful positive way. I vote the the way my heart tells me to vote. We donate a portion of our earnings to charity. In short I am a productive member of society.I am not a bitter person that feels like they have to get up every morning to “fight” for anything. I cannot imagine having to carry a gun around just to go to work.
I don’t think anyone here is guilty of petty insults. I just think that you feel the need to rain on everyone’s parade ALL THE TIME and after awhile it starts to get on people’s nerves. It must be awful to be so unhappy all of the time. You might look at getting out of your current business because it is honestly going to drive you to an early grave. That is if one of your tenants does not kill you first.
I think the worst part though is that while you are complaining about “handouts” to society you are more than happy to accept section 8 money which in my book makes you a tremendous hypocrite. If you are so against hand-outs why not just stop allowing section 8 tenants as a matter of principle?? Your all about complaining and pointing the finger and wanting to change the way we are headed…that is until it hits your pocket book and then all of the sudden you are just “taking advantage of the system”.
You can’t have it both ways. Your either part of the problem or part of the solution. Right now it looks like your part of the problem.
Mike, I am in Ohio south of Dayton and that tenant water bill issue has been bouncing around in the state legislature for awhile. GDREIA(Greater Dayton Real Estae Investors Association) has been petitioning and lobbying this for as long as I have been going to meetings. I get into more arguments over this issue than any other I have with city governments. I am NOT the one that extends credit to a tenant and then fails to turn the water off when they don't pay their bill and let it go months before shutting it off. I am not the one who does NOT require a deposit to cover such an instance. They state it is too much of a hardship for the tenant. WHAT???? But it's ok for them to stick the landlord with the bill for their poor judgment to allow a tenant to get water without a deposit??? It is such a crock. And then they can go and get water service somewhere else. It is simply ridiculous that they allow this to happen. I hope it eventually gets overturned.
It’s just part of the move to socialism that’s been going on for decades!!! It’s nothing more than the government taking from the “rich” and redistributing it to the poor. We are fighting this on many grounds including as a violation of several of our constitutional rights (expost facto, violation of our contract rights, etc.) When we win, it should settle this issue once and for all - STATE WIDE! We could still be a year or more away from the final court decision. The landlords in Youngstown have sued the city in the past and settled - with the city agreeing not to pursue landlords for the bills of the tenants. Unfortunately, new city administrations have replaced the administration that settled and are now violating the settlement agreement and going after the landlords again! WE NEED TO WIN THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL AND SET A LEGAL PRECEDENT!
I am not a bitter person that feels like they have to get up every morning to "fight" for anything.
It’s sad that you don’t think your country is worth fighting for. I’m glad that our founders didn’t feel that way and that our veterans haven’t felt that way. I don’t want to fight all these battles either, but it needs to be done and there are millions of apathetic Americans like you who just go along with whatever the government wants to do to you. Just as that quote said that I posted - apathetic citizens are allowing the socialists to destroy the country.
I just think that you feel the need to rain on everyone's parade ALL THE TIME and after awhile it starts to get on people's nerves.
Chris, there is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON that I need to rain on your parade. If you don’t want to read what the socialists are doing to destroy the country - THEN DON’T READ MY POSTS! It’s that easy - just ignore them. If you’re reading my posts and responding to them, you must be enjoying them - otherwise - why bother? Better yet, post something yourself explaining how the new socialism is such a great thing!
I think the worst part though is that while you are complaining about "handouts" to society you are more than happy to accept section 8 money which in my book makes you a tremendous hypocrite.
That’s RIDICULOUS and nothing more than a straw man (as you already know). Unfortunately, I must work within the current system while trying to change it. I don’t believe that my taxes should be used to pay lazy deadbeats. Should I stop paying taxes? I don’t believe that the government should be paying lazy deadbeats to live in a rental. Should I stop providing housing to the government? I don’t believe in giving handouts to car buyers. Should I never buy another car? RIDICULOUS! By that logic, I couldn’t run ANY business because almost every business is affected by the current socialist policies of the government.
Status Filled at $48.32
Status Filled at $48.32
Symbol QQQQ
Action Sell
Quantity 5000 Shares
Route FDLM
Order Type Market
Time in Force Day
Conditions None
Trade Type Cash
Market Session Standard
Order Date 05/11/2010, 02:05:06 PM ET
Cancel Date
Order Number E11CRDVZ
Date Time Price Quantity Total
05/11/2010 02:05:08 PM $48.32 5000.000 $241,600.59
NET TOTAL 5000.000 $241,600.59
I sold half for Mike,plus almost $3…This market is ready to squeeze then its a dead short for the next day imo…But we will see…
just got an email from rookie on the other half of this trade…closed out the remaining 5k shares @ $48.29 via blackberry…about $30,000 for a 5 day hold.
I know where my focus needs to be at…NOT in cash.
Status Filled at $48.29
Symbol QQQQ
Action Sell
Quantity 5000 Shares
Route FDLM
Order Type Market
Time in Force Day
Conditions None
Trade Type Cash
Market Session
Date Time Price Quantity Total
05/12/2010 10:11:54 AM $48.29 5000.00 $241,450.59
NET TOTAL 5000.00 $241,450.59
I sold too early but I still have %25 in equities overall…%75 in a cash position…YTD up %72 on my equity portfolio…This is my constant argument…You can still make money in this environment…
then its a dead short for the next day imo…
next week should be very interesting…
a lot of significant down trends in play right now…
Swim WITH the river. Not against it… The way the geneal markets are up one day and down the next, it seems difficult to enjoy a meaningful trend… But I can see where taking the other side of the overbought/ oversold move from the previous day can be profitable…
whatever technique you’re good at…
as long as it creates wealth…