Does anyone know how to do a short sale with Transactional Funding?

Since you have an accepted offer with the seller, you have contractual interest. This allows you to market the property, and ultimately resell (at least in WI).
Obviously you should check with your Title Company and your state’s laws.

Check with your State laws and make sure you have full disclosure to all parties if you are using the C buyer’s money to close the A-B. It’s a grey area, I no some investors have been doing this for years, I’m not saying it’s wrong but your deal could fall apart if you don’t have a really good title agent.

Fannie/Freddie and FHA require the seller to match on the appraisal and title. Whether u have the ability to market the property or not does not matter. I would like to hear from someone that isgetting around this clause.

ShortSaleArtisian and Summit, thank you for the compliments. 2-3 years ago you could find dozens of title companies in any metro area doing Simultaneous Closings, where you use the end buyers funds to complete your purchase. This sounds self-serving because I provide Transactional Funding. BUT, you cannot find a single national title company today willing to do them. Does that tell you anything??? Most will do a Double Closing, where you come to the table with your own or transactional funds and close on two seperate AND distinct transactions. All of the gurus and national short sale attornies used to teach simultaneous closings. I cannot think of one that does now, and I follow most all of them. I am not a lawyer, but the arguments against simultaneous closings run from bank fraud (on the short sale bank) to chain of title issues. Suggesting a newer investor can get a simultaneous closing done is optomistic. I could MAYBE get one done, but in this regulatory environment would not even consider it. :rolleyes