Document help needed

I have some documents (saved in microsoft word), and I want the following:

I want to be able to open them, and be able to easily go from blank to blank (example, name, address, city, state, zip, etc), and type in the information right over the line, without any altering of the document. I know there has to be some easy way to do this.

Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks, Tony.

Tony, are you talking about being able to tab through the document, from blank to blank? If so, I don’t think that is possible in a Word doc. You would need to convert it to a PDF file first, and then you can set it up as you describe.

Hello Tony,

I hope all is well. It is possible to do as a Word Doc. In Word there will be functions to set up a template. Inside the template you can freeze text and create the blanks you want. Then as you tab throug h the document it will take you from one blank to another with distrupting the other text.

I hope this helps.

With My Best,

Then as you tab throug h the document it will take you from one blank to another with distrupting the other text.

Hello Tony,

Sorry, sentence should read: Then as you tab through the document it will take you fron one bland to another without …"


Mike, thanks for responding. How do I freeze the text, but not freeze the blanks that i want to be able to fill in? This part I can’t figure out how to do.

Thanks, Tony.