I just had a guy sign a lease last week to move into one of my units on Sept 1st. When he saw it there was horrible mint green and pale orange wall color, and very dirty carpet in the living room. We advised him that we were painting everything white and he asked if we would be willing to do cream with the white trim as it would look a bit better. So we said ok. I told him that if the carpet didn’t come clean we would replace it and make sure it was nice. …
I could not get the carpet to look good so we pulled it up and were happy to find beautiful hardwood in very good shape underneath. so we are leaving it hardwood… now this guy is mad at me and said he does not like wood floors and he likes nice comfy place to relax on the floor if he wants to and that he saw an apartment with carpet and expects to get one with carpet… he kept telling me that I promised new carpet, I told him that is before I new the floor was perfect underneath and the the reason I promised him that was to make sure he new he would have something clean and liveable… Am I obligated to carpet this place?
right now I feel he is just being nitpicky and tryiing to esablish who is in charge , so I’m not really wanting to give in. Thanks for any iinput.