Direct Hard Money Lending

Hello everyone,

I have lurked in this forum for some time now, and have found a invaluable wealth of information.

I am an investor in the Detroit, MI area, and have done a few rehab projects, with the last being in January of this year.

I have a lot of great deals coming my way, but I need recommendations of a direct lender, who I will not have to re-apply to, for every project that I do. I can only assume that the inquiries for lending is only hurting my score everytime I have to apply for a loan. When last checked (2/15/06), my all-in-one midscore was a 630 and I am current on all my bills and loans. I have checked the hard money lender resource page, but there are only a few direct lenders that are listed, with websites, for me to view their guidelines and restrictions. I am looking to do about 3-4 deals a month.

Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks and good luck!


Oh how I wish I was your personal mortgage specialist to take care of you, haha!

Well, you could give MIT Lending Wholesale, Aegis Wholesale, Imperial Wholesale Lending, or National Wholesale Funding a try.

…you should do a few rehab projects here in the northwest, seems to be quite lucrative and shooting up in value. :slight_smile:

God bless and good luck!!!