Credit Repair

Would anyone have some direction for me as far as dealing with an adverse item on a credit report that went to collections, is paid off, and is closed? My understanding is that I need to contact the collection agency itself and find out about paying them to delete the file??

Also, for items that did NOT go to collections, but were reported as late and closed; any ideas about these?

As far as the item which went to collections - this is scheduled to be removed from my report in the year 2012. Which, as some others tell me, none of us will have to worry about anything at all…
…but, just in case…

You will need to contact the creditor and have them send you an official letter stating that account has been rectified. Request that they communicate this with the bureaus. You can (which I suggest) then contact the bureaus and send them the copy of necessary documentation. It will take some time and follow-up on your part, but you can get the issues cleared up.

Thanks much for you help!


You don’t pay them to delete after you already paid off the collection. You where suppose to do that before you paid them. What you have to do is say ok I will pay it off in full but I want you to delete it off my credit report. Get them to send you a letter in writing 1st, then you pay it off and then follow up with them to find out when it should be off so you can know when to check your credit report and if it’s not removed then you take the letter they sent you and write a letter to TU/EX/EQ.

Your option right now is to contact the collection agency and see if they will remove it, if they say yes, once again get it in writing. If not, send a letter to tu/ex/eq

For the item that did not go to collection, the bank took a lost and just close it, you can call the banks and offer the same pay to delete. Depending on how old it is you can dispute it w/ tu/ex/eq

NOTHING has to be removed from your credit report, it all depends on how nasty the bank/collection agencies are. If they keep track of something that’s about to fall off, especially if you owe a lot of money they can have it go back on there if they wanted to. If it’s paid then they wouldn’t care

PS: Join a credit repair forum…google.

I have a copy of the Fair Credit Report Act. I will share it with anyone. Just Email me. I will give you the Law on credit reporting. Also about correcting bad information that may be in the three major credit reporting companies.Steven in Las Vegas Nevada