credit courses

Are courses like donna fox helpful? id appreciate some feedback. Im just out of bankruptcy with excellent income and want to start investing in the spring. Feedback would be appreciated.

Before buying any courses, check out the web. There are a lot of good free sites that will give you valuable advice on how to improve your credit score. Look at for excellent advice. Also has several articles on the subject and gives you info on your rights.

Even with a bankruptcy a good mortgage broker can find financing for you when you’re ready to start investing.

Patti Porter


Do you have any active and open trade lines or were thay all included in the BK?

Hi, All were included in bk. Except 1 tax lien of 1200. which Im paying tonight. Tom.

All were included in bk. Except 1 tax lien of 1200. which Im paying tonight

You will need to start working on opening some tradelines. the only way to fix your credit issues is to slowly replace your bad credit with good.