Why do I need a website? What would this improve? What would it’s function be?
The Tin Man needed a heart, the lion needed courage, the scare crow needed brains, and Dorothy needed to get home.
You must seek out your own needs grasshopper. Ask yourself these questions, the endless questions have me holed up in Idaho. I wish to venture out to freely hunt moose and wild turkey with out my mind cluttered with these endless questions.
Why ask why? Ask not, go forth and do not multiply.
It’s simply another tool in your belt to have for marketing purposes. Let alone the fact that every day more and more people are going online to buy/sell their properties.
Is the purpose to display my inventory, to find new cash buyers, or both?
How exactly do I direct people to this website?
You’ve got deadlines to meet. Time is of the essence. You’ve got repeat buyers, and don’t need more. As a result, websites for your purposes, are bright, shiny distractions from actually making money.
You’re selling the equivalent of half-rotten vegetables, with a limited shelf-life.
Your inventory will be crawling with bugs and oozing black juice, if you don’t have the inventory resold quickly.
Again, you’ll already have a pool of repeat buyers that buy from you, so you don’t need to advertise for more of them. I mean, the last thing you want, is to attract unproven buyers that are happy to tie up your inventory with promises, but don’t perform.
***There are wholesalers that won’t sell to otherwise unproven buyers.
Currently, I have a buyers list that is bigger than you are suggesting, but I have yet to flip a property, so I don’t know who is good out of that list. The more, the better because I want to be wholesaling 15 houses/month minimum.
Soon, I will be sending out 5,000 letters/month. 2,500 on the 1st of each month and 2,500 on the 15th. They will be in windowed envelopes with white letters inside with my business name on it.
I will also recruiting bird dogs so that may add another 50 addresses/month to that list.
I have a call center all lined up that costs $21/month plus about $1/minute.
Total, this business will cost just over $3,100/month to maintain at this level. Meaning that I need to do one deal per month to make a profit. However, a wholesaler once told me that he takes far less than $3,000 profit on a regular basis. One time, he made just $38 on a deal.
This will begin on March 15th.
I expect lots of calls and I am getting my leads at ~$0.15/piece from ListSource.
Wow, that is really ambitious for someone that’s never done a deal. Shud I encourage you on this flight of fancy or shud I lasso ur aspirations and bring you back down to earth?
Could I suggest you learn to crawl before you walk?
I understood we get a good response from our mailings because we use small envelopes and small hand written notes with definitely no business name to come off as a nice private couple wanting to buy their home.
If you come off as a business compared to a nice couple, who they gonna call? You may not need that answering service.
But, it’s your baby.
I’m not a nice couple.
I’m a convicted felon.
One of the largest, if not the largest, wholesalers in the country is a company called HomeVestors and they mail out with their business name. They have a caveman as their logo.
Redstar, if you keep making those affirmations; allow yourself to believe them; and take action, they will eventually come true.
I’ve learned that consistency, repetition, and taking action toward affirming the results I want, makes a huge difference in achieving those results. At the same time, the realizations come on their own schedule.
You’re digging out from a deep trough, from what you’ve shared, and so I want to encourage you all the more to keep plugging at it. As they say, “One day at a time.” I might say, “From moment to moment.”
That’s doesn’t mean I won’t critique your efforts in the meantime, but it does mean I’m pulling for you. If i didn’t care that you succeeded, I wouldn’t respond to your posts.
Is the purpose to display my inventory, to find new cash buyers, or both?
How exactly do I direct people to this website?
Ideally one website per function. A website for only buyers, a second website for inventory, etc. Too much clutter will confuse people and they’ll just back out of your site. Pick your most important category and start there.
Your website address should be included in basically every marketing piece you send out, it gives you instant credibility. Google search “search engine optimization” (SEO) and “pay per click” (PPC). SEO is more long term but gives back a fantastic ROI, PPC is much more expensive but will give immediate results. If you have a large marketing budget go for both for sure.
Also I like the marketing plan you’ve laid out. $3k/month is a huge budget to start out with compared to most new investors and will get your phone ringing off the hook - just keep fine tuning it and analyzing what works and what isn’t in your market.
I believe it is necessary to get seller leads on autopilot but I wouldn’t use it to get my first deal. It can take a long time and learning how to get your website at the top search results. It definetley can help you show credibility to sellers that you are online. Good Luck!
Suddenly struck me, why don’t I just use Facebook instead of making a webpage?