Anybody else having trouble with Craigslist? Ghosting, requiring frequent changes of password and then refusing to accept the change, not making edited changes, showing changes but then publishing the original, refusing to open new accounts, requiring multiple sign-ins to place one ad?
I had an ad that ended up with photos of a $300K house running with the ad for a 65K house. It’s bad enough that Craigslist ran the wrong photos, but the scary thing is that it was 24 hours before I got a phone call about the house.
There are no buyers out there for a $300k house selling for $65K?
I’ve been having similar craigslist problems with 2 diferent ads I’ve got posted - 1 townhouse for rent, 1 home for sale. Ghosting has been particularly bad but also multiple logins and passwords required after I’m already logged into my account. Edits seem to be working fine for me though.
I heard about the other night on a news show, but it was because of pedophiles and the ads on there. Don’t know what else they have on there.