I only post this because there are a lot of conservative minds in here, and today was a wonderful day for us. And none of the Neocons(beck, hannity, rush, etc.) are going to report something with true substance that takes more than a sarah palin IQ to comprehend. RATINGS MIGHT DROP!!!
What I am talking about is this, If you trace every economic problem to it’s root, you will end at the door of the Federal Reserve. THIS IS THE POLITICIANS CREDIT CARD!!! TAKE IT AWAY AND YOU CAN’T HAVE BIG GOVERNMENT. BYE BYE NATIONALIZED HEALTHCARE, BIG WARS, ENTITLEMENT PROGRAMS, ENDLESS SPIRALS OF GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION TO CORRECT PAST INTERVENTION. The Federal Reserve is Public Enemy #1 to the constitution. Central banking has no place in a free society.
Today was a BIG SCORE for liberty. The Audit of the Federal Reserve, passed the house committee today in it’s entire and full audit form and will be attached to the Financial Reform Act. I don’t agree with anything else in the act, but the good news is, this attachment will make it veto proof by the president. Just in case his interests aren’t for our country ya know? I know you are probably thinking so what, you audit them. If this audit gets pulled off, and it’s mostly downhill from here, it will be like the acorn scandal TIMES 100!! We are going to find out some truly disgusting stuff with this audit MARK MY WORDS!!!
My Prediction??
-We are going to discover over the past 100 years, the fed was funding enemies while our troops were being needlessly slaughtered.
-We were making treaties with other countries that NO ONE knew about until this audit, history textbooks are literally going to have to be re-written.
-Back door deals between the bankers are going to make us look like naive slaves.
Why do I think this bill IS going to pass if it’s going to expose the immense political corruption?
Ron paul has been trying to pass an audit of the fed for nearly 25 years!! WHY HAS THIS GOTTEN SO FAR NOW?? Because the rats see the ship sinking, and sinking fast. They got to jump ship ASAP and the best way to prepare for the beating by coddling one of the ONLY honest guys there, RON PAUL!
So have a beer tonight for Thomas Jefferson, I am !
Sorry for the FDJake style post, BTW.
Good link