Commercial tenant using my property

Come to find out that my commercial building is being used as an “online showroom” for a relatively large online retailer. He says they located there to funnel sales tax revenue into the city the building is in. I told him I’d be happy to lease him some space but in no way want him using my property without a lease agreement. He said it was fine and he would just register somewhere else in town.


Has anyone seen this before? They had a sign up and some kind of agreement with the previous owner, and I just never put much thought into the sign in front of the building. Hard to believe they would just be using this for years without any kind of lease agreement in place. What kind of company does this?


It sounds to me like your seller was a major stock holder in this company allowing this to go on as he owned the property and hoping this would go ongoing after selling you the property. I am surprised you did not realize people were coming and going who represented this company?
