Commercial real estate investment

Hi All,

Commercial real estate consists of multifamily apartments, office buildings, retail space, hotels and motels, warehouses, and other commercial properties.There are many important items to consider with an investment property that you are considering to purchase. Your personal situation, financial ability and degree of involvement in your investment property will ultimately determine the type of property that you will purchase.

There are plenty of commercial and residential houses are now available in each place/countries.

I am agree with dian that there are lot of commercial and residential properties that are available in every area. But the thing is that you should have the ability to select the best.

If you want to invest in a commercial real estate, always consider whom you are dealing with. Consider it first before others like the location itself and what type of commercial real estate is it.

Yeah, there are a lot of house available in every place but fi.ding the best isn’t that always easy…Not just because the company said that they are the best doesn’t mean that they really are the best. Many companies are always claiming to be the best

Aspects that you have pointed sounds good! However, I would say while investing try to figure out the proportionate criteria of your choice with the property’s aspects. Thanks!

Real estate investors can browse hundreds of real estate without investing articles to increase your investment education.How to determine the value an income property, how to structure deals for maximum performance, and how to acquire, fund and manage Commercial real estate.It is an invaluable resource for creating and building wealth in commercial properties of all types.

The investment is a commercial real estate group. If many people are co-located with the risk of such investments is reduced. In addition, the initial price is not too high as the individual investment.Building a new commercial building requires knowledge of the trade rules.

The investment is a commercial real estate group. If many people are co-located with the risk of such investments is reduced. In addition, the initial price is not too high as the individual investment.Building a new commercial building requires knowledge of the trade rules.

Gee thanks, Mr. Wizard :rolleyes

In commercial real estate investment it is good that prices are affordable to mostly investors. Many commercial property investors find it advantageous to buy a property and immediately make all necessary capital improvements and repairs.

That’s right kids…commercial property is dirt cheap. So why do most people start in residential?

Hey james,
Did someone promise to give you a nickel for every internet forum you could post in???

maybe they are just people that use a lot of drugs,

Let me see if I can make up a post like they do

To properly post,one should use the keyboard on the computer to input information which will then show up on the screen.

WOW,I feel better already

Every one of the previous posts, except andydallas and justin0409 and Mdhaas, are posted by the same individual. Look at the patterns. 10 or less posts, recent registration, and “location” signatures for real estate.

And it’s all crap and completely unhelpful (except those mentioned).

It’s a little frustrating wading through barely disguised affiliate linking efforts.

Unfortuantely, they are still within the Forum Rules, so unless they blatantly advertise, there’s not much we can do about it…

Sorry for any incovenience that this causes you.


LMAO. This is one funny post. At first thought I me it was.
Wow it is really hard to write like that.
Maybe it is translation software. Or a really poor education and excessive use of thesaurus


Would it not make more sense to make a slight effort to post something constructive in a already active thread?

Who buys anything from someones sig after reading one barely comprehensible post anyway?

lmao!!! this thread is ridiculous…

I am slightly concerned, however, that someone has enough spare time on their hands to create a :bs thread.

If you want to invest in a commercial real estate always consider whom you are dealing with. Consider it first before others like, the location itself and what type of commercial real estate is it.

Just have a visit to your desired location lots of commercial or non commercial properties you will find there. You can take services from a property agent.