Commercial real estate bottom???

Here’s what Phlemboy is really saying:

First, I agree 100% with FDJake and the others who say to GET OUT THERE AND MAKE MONEY! Finish school! Start a business if that’s your goal! You’ve got to live with the circumstances we have in the present and you can still get rich in this country through a lot of hard work and persistence.

I would also urge you to be very active in fighting the socialists/communists/marxists. Obama and the socialists ARE using the Cloward and Piven strategy to DESTROY THE COUNTRY (and they are succeeding). Obama HAS surrounded himself with advisors that are socialists/communists/marxists. Obama HAS taken over HUGE parts of the economy and is trying to get the rest of it. This IS very serious stuff.

I wish the banks had the same opportunity I have... you know.. to "screw up." But they dont, they get BAILED OUT if they "screw up."

The banks aren’t being “Bailed Out” – they’re STEALING YOUR MONEY AND THE MONEY OF EVERY OTHER TAXPAYER. The government owned and/or controlled industries are receiving TRILLIONS of dollars that are being taken from the middle class. This IS socialism.

The Socialist in Chief IS coming after your freedom and your way of life. Read about the Cloward and Piven Strategy. Read Saul Alinsky’s work. It IS happening right before your eyes. Burying your head in the sand is not acceptable if you want to remain free. Obama’s next steps on the road to socialism are immigration reform and an energy bill. Immigration reform is nothing more than a plan to buy new socialist votes. An energy bill (cap and trade or instituting an equivalent through the EPA) will give him TREMENDOUS control of just about EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE!

I’m going to start another post about how Obama’s socialism (and policies that directly affect real estate) may very well destroy the real estate business.

I contend that we need to produce goods here. I don’t believe that there is a 100 year old job. There are plenty of individuals in this country who are not qualified for much else. The fact that they could get a 100 year old job would be better for their well being than a hand out i.e. welfare…

How about the repeal of the minimum wage. The wage requirement directly discriminates against people who aren’t qualified to earn the minimum wage. Once working and receiving OJT “On The Job Training” they can work towards getting a better wage. The minimum wage hurts us as a nation and promotes joblessness, dependency and welfare.

I agree that some regulation is needed but over regulation pushes jobs outside the country and turns the means of production into the control of others.

Does anyone really think the China is 100 years behind us. They are the #1 exporter in the world. It won’t be a 100 years before their ideas take precedence in the world. Cash is king and they’ll have it.

No one said “China is 100 years behind us.”

What WAS said is…The JOBS done here 100 years ago are NOW done in CHINA…Two TOTALLY DIFFERENT THINGS…

As far as removing the minimum wage???


TARGET and WALMART pay MORE than the MINIMUM wage and NO ONE wants those jobs…Any LANDSCAPER out there is paying MORE than minimum wage…

So what GOOD would that do??

Look at the Soviet Union…A LOT of Americans THOUGHT that was a VERY STRONG COUNTRY…They THOUGHT they had HUGE INDUSTRIAL CAPACITY…When the CURTAIN came down what was the REALITY???

A COMPLETELY BROKEN SYSTEM…No INNOVATION…Old outdated, run down factories making the same CRAP China is now making…

So far China has been CAUGHT…

*Using LEAD PAINT on Childrens toys
*Putting melamine in BABY FORMULA
*Using poison CADMIUM in Jewerly
*Pirating American Intellectual property
*Producing and MIS MARKING LOW GRADE bolts with higher grading marks
and ON and ON and ON…

Yea…Who needs R E G U L A T I O N???

As far as CHINA’S IDEA’s taking over OURS…

NEVER…Not as long as the PEOPLE that come up with those ideas CAN’T BENEFIT from them…

This exercise has already played out in The SOVIET UNION…The GOVERMENT there tried to go toe to toe with Capitalism and had their @SSES handed to them…CHINA’s no different.


fdjake “Paying a worker to sew 300 shirts a day is a 100 YEAR OLD” JOB…

There are large differences between how business is run in China verses the USSR. The USSR controlled all facets of production. In China today this is not the case. China has intentionally not taken that road because they know it doesn’t work. Control over business decisions are localized with management and not with the bureaucracy.

CIA World Fact Book

“China’s economy during the past 30 years has changed from a centrally planned system that was largely closed to international trade to a more market-oriented economy that has a rapidly growing private sector and is a major player in the global economy. Reforms started in the late 1970s with the phasing out of collectivized agriculture, and expanded to include the gradual liberalization of prices, fiscal decentralization, increased autonomy for state enterprises, the foundation of a diversified banking system, the development of stock markets, the rapid growth of the non-state sector, and the opening to foreign trade and investment.”

That doesn’t sound like the USSR to me. Sounds like they learned off the back of the USSR.

Why eliminate the minimum wage, it’s simple. I don’t care who pays what currently. If the government mandates a minimum, everyone feels entitled at that rate. Therefore, employers have to pay more to get people to work. All those costs are passed on to the consumer who as a result can consume less.

I’d rather let the market determine what one’s labor is worth. We all know it does the best job of it.

The ONLY person here that said CHINA was 100 years behind us was YOU!

As far as your THEORY about China’s “FREE MARKETS”
Try selling that to the people attempting to get CHINA to STOP manipulating their CURRENCY!!!

As to the higher wages companies pay OVER the minimum wage requirement.

“All those costs are passed on to the consumer.”

Like at WALMART???

They pay MORE than minimum wage and STILL have lower prices than ANY of their competition!

China is a HOUSE OF CARDS…NO ONE…NO ONE knows what really happens there because the only NEWS you get is the GOVERMENTS VERSION.

China…RIGHT NOW…Has a HOUSING BOOM going on very similar to ours.

As I said: In the 1970’s Americans thought the SOVIET UNION was a HUGE ECONOMIC POWER…Once the TRUTH came out, we found out that it was all PROPAGANDA.

But that could NEVER happen in CHINA…A country that literally STOPPED TRAFFIC in their Capitol so the STENCH there wouldn’t hurt their IMAGE!!!

Yea…China’s MUCH different than the old Soviet Union… :banghead :banghead :banghead


I agree with you that both China and the old Soviet Union were in a different league than the United States. I also agree that the reason China and the old Soviet Union were substandard is that we had freedom while China and the Soviet Union don’t/didn’t. So, since socialism wasn’t successful in either China or the USSR, why is Obama and his socialist comrades taking us as fast as possible toward socialism?

Let’s see what NOVEMBER brings before we have the FUNERAL for the UNITED STATES of AMERICA…

Agendas on BOTH sides are about to get a little REALITY CHECK!!!

And THAT is what people FORGET…That’s what makes this Country TRUELY DIFFERENT!!! The ability to CHANGE the people in charge when WE want to!!

Let’s see CHINA’S population CLEAN HOUSE politically…THAT’S NOT HAPPENING…and THAT is a HUGE disadvantage for them!!!

China is playing an OLD RECORD…Everyone knows the tune, and everyone knows how it ENDS…Until you design a system where the PEOPLE have the FREEDOM to COMPETE, you are DOOMED TO FAIL when competing with Countries that not only ALLOW competition, but ENCOURAGE IT!!!

CHINA won’t even let thier CURRENCY compete head to head with other Countries…They play a “FIXED GAME”

How did you do so well, so fast in YOUR Real Estate business Mike???

Answer…You OUT THOUGHT and OUT WORKED your COMPETITION because you were ALLOWED TO…No one but YOU stood in your way!

Don’t ever forget that…EVER!!!

Take a look at this article. This shows what happens when you lose manufacturing jobs…

Have you guys seen stossel’s new show, “Is free trade good”??? It addresses a lot of points being argued in this thread.

I think the market has been holding and it seems businesses have adjusted to this economy and are willing to hire.I think the problems with violence lately, especially on the west side is causing many to be cautious again and is most likely keeping new businesses from coming into downtown and will have less home real estate activity.All this needs to be considered.