I don’t think I’ve missed anything…
“What’s going to happen to big pharma now that we have Goverment Health Care??”
I’d say the same thing that has happened to it for the 60+ YEARS Social Security and Medicare have been PAYING for peoples meds.
As far as Jobs go…
ANY job…Let me repeat that…ANY JOB whether it be a Mechanic or a factory worker requires TRAINING and NO ONE is starting any of these jobs at a rate that a fully experienced worker does.
The U.S. has become the Intellectual Property Manufacturer for the PLANET EARTH.
Other nations like CHINA are currently experiencing what this country did 100 YEARS AGO…They are moving from a agricultural based economy into a manufacturing economy.
the DIFFERENCE Between these two countries is F R E E D O M…In this country ANYONE with a BETTER IDEA wins!!! In CHINA the GOVERMENT controlls every aspect of business.
You mention OVER GOVERMENT regulation as a PROBLEM???
Is this the SAME regulation that makes the AIR in NYC BREATHABLE or the same regulation that makes it possible to NOW catch STRIPED BASS in the once polluted NEW YORK HARBOR??
Try doing that in CHINA!!! They had to SHUT DOWN the STREETS in Bejing 2 MONTHS before the OLYMPIC GAMES so visitors could actually B R E A T H the A I R!!! How’s THAT for a little REGULATION for ya???
How would you like to own a BUSINESS during that little show of FORCE??? FREE MARKET??? Not in CHINA pal!!! Yet you say THAT’S why all the GREAT JOBS are going there…WRONG…The CRAP jobs are going there.
As I said…Most people don’t see the UNBELIEVABLE POTENTIAL in a GLOBAL MARKET where the UNITED STATES is the INVENTOR to the WORLD.
Where do you think CHINA will end up???
They’re gonna go the SAME ROUTE this country went 100 years ago…They’ll see TRADE UNIONS established once the people there wield enough ECONOMIC and POLITICAL POWER to install them…They ALREADY have had STRIKES…It’s JUST STARTING…WAIT…All those things WILL COME to them as their country PROSPERS…They too will have NO CHOICE but to impose some of the very same ENVIROMENTAL REGULATIONS we did…
You CAN NOT SUSTAIN a growing economy IF you POISON the very EARTH the WORKERS must LIVE ON in order to keep those factories RUNNING…
Have some of the regulations in this country gone to far???..ABSOLUTELY…100% YES…and the same will happen there EVENTUALLY…
This planet is SHRINKING in front of our EYES…Having CHINA make PARTS for machines sold all over the world but DESIGNED and INVENTED in the USA isn’t too far from companies building plants in the SOUTHERN part of this country in the 50’s and 60’s because labor costs were lower…Those companies weren’t selling product to CHINA…Almost NONE of that product even left THIS COUNTRY…So NOW we have a GLOBAL MARKET PLACE were products built in every corner of the PLANET are made and assembled overseas, but DESIGNED and INVENTED HERE!!!
Think that’s BULLSH*T???
Look at MASSACHUSETTS in the 1950 and 60’s…Most of Mass. was built on TEXTILES and MILL operations…Those same MILLS all moved down South in the 1970’s…What happened to BOSTON and Massachusetts after that??? It became a HOT BED for COMPUTER INVENTION and MEDICAL Device design…Those CRAP factory jobs were replaced by HIGH TECH jobs and HOUSING prices went into the STRATOSPHERE…Towns like WESTON on the Rt 128 Technology Hiway became MILLIONAIRES SUBURBS…the MONEY POURED in…and now those SOUTHERN factories are all CLOSED and those jobs are in CHINA…But Rt 128 in Mass is STILL cranking out the high dollar jobs!!! And it STILL cost a MILLION DOLLARS for a 4 bedroom home in WESTON!!!
WHY??? Because the IDEA of making FABRIC is OLD…The IDEA of making SHIRTS is OLD…BUT…the IDEA of making CARDIAC CATHS and Defibrillators is NEW!!! The IDEA behind FACEBOOK, GOOGLE, and Electronic BANKING…Those IDEAS are VALUABLE and WHERE did they come from??? The USA!!!..Paying a worker to sew 300 shirts a day is a 100 YEAR OLD JOB…That’s what CHINA is doing now…It’s 1910 in China RIGHT NOW!!!
The IDEA is the PRIZE…Not the ASSEMBLY of a bunch if PIECES…The REAL WEALTH is in the MANAGEMENT of the company and the IDEAS behind the PRODUCTS!!
In the 1900’s the Northeast corridor of the USA was the CHEAP LABOR provider to the WORLD…
In the 1960’s and 70’s the Southern part of this country took that title.
In the 1990’s CHINA started providing that service…
Even NOW…Viet Nam is TAKING manufacturing jobs from CHINA…
OPEN YOUR EYES…The PLANET IS SHRINKING…the ONLY thing that stays the same is the USA keeps giving these places THINGS TO BUILD or MAKE!!!