Commercial real estate bottom???

Hoosier said what I meant. When I said nobody I mean that if you are not Joe sixpack you are nobody in America. There are no jobs for Joe Sixpack in Silicon Valley making money from computers and communications.

Silicon valley is hiring H1 Visa employees like gangbusters. What makes America work is good jobs for smart high school graduates. Not masters degree expatriates.

The flyover country IS America. Those guys are not getting anything from computers and communications other than call center jobs. Oops I guess those are SERVICE ECONOMY JOBS.

Good jobs for SMART High School grads are available EVERYWHERE…and the SMART ones are making a KILLING by NOT doing to College!

I have a buddy that INSTEAD of going to College became an apprentice PLUMBER…He is now a licensed Master Plumber and even in this economy has a TON of work. Sure he had to lay off a few guys in the winter of 09 but they’re all back to work now and HE never missed a beat.

My other friend has a MASTERS DEGREE and is a SCHOOL TEACHER…


I have another friend that became an Auto Mechanic right out of High School…He now works for a large Porsche/Audi dealer and EASILY makes $125K/year PLUS…and on TOP of that, he has a BOOMING side business repairing OLDER Porsche’s out of his garage at home. He has INCREDIBLE
FLEXIBILITY with his dealership job…If he has a big motor job on a car at his shop at home…He just calls the service manager at the dealership, asks what he has on the books for him the next day and if he can make MORE $$$ doing that big motor job at HOME…He tells the service manager to give his work orders to the other guys in the shop. Try doing that at your fancy CORPORATE JOB!!!

The JOBS are there…You just need to get the TRAINING.

Believe me…These guy’s are LITERALLY “joe 6 pack” people.

You DO NOT have to MAKE THINGS in this country to EARN a VERY GOOD Living.

That Porsche mechanic MAKES …N O T H I N G… he provides SERVICE for cars.

That Plumber MAKES nothing…He ASSEMBLES parts into systems…He doesn’t MAKE the copper or the PVC…He provides a SERVICE…

People who WHINE about America becoming a SERVICE INDUSTRY JOB Country how NO CLUE what they’re talking about.

BOTH these people could MOVE to almost ANY part of this country and make a VERY GOOD living for themselves. They’re not working in a FACTORY making PIPES or CAR PARTS…They are FURTHER down the supply line and making GREAT MONEY!!! The PIECES and PARTS they handle every day get made by people in CHINA making 50 cents an hour…WHO’s BETTER OFF???

fdjake I think your missing the larger issue. Manufacturing jobs are the engine of any productive nation. They bring dollars from outside the country into the country. This is what is called a transfer of wealth from one nation to another. The United states main exports are technology, Planes, Pharma, Autos etc… We can’t lead in these areas forever without policy changes. What’s going to happen to big pharma now that we have government health care?

The real reason that the manufacturing jobs were moved overseas is simply because the U.S. is not as friendly to manufacturing as it once was. You have much more regulation and taxation here. Plus, you have a spoiled population who feels entitled. If we had a more friendly regulatory and tax authority here in the U.S. we could still produce things here. Our education systems has also failed us. Other countries are better preparing their population for competition. A good example of this is the amount of engineers we graduate in any given year.

The service industry is a large portion of our economy granted. But it does not bring money into the country. Money spins in a circle the amount never changing. I grew up in Upstate NY and service jobs are almost all that’s left. Wealth is created by bringing new gold into the system from outside the system.

Manufacturing jobs could be done by Americans right out of high school with little to no training. The fact that there are fewer of these jobs available to young Americans is sad. We see many of the reasons right in front of us. - (1) Regulation & taxation have made it to expansive to do business here. (2) Unions and their hostile posture towards manufacturing in the name of social justice. (3) Work ethic has deteriorated in the U.S. (4) the failure of schools to adequately prepare kids. (5) American’s feel entitled instead of driven.

The example of your friends success is awesome. The fact that your friends made good decisions is a tribute to their perseverance and drive. But, it however, is not a good example of available jobs after high school. The plumber had to go through an apprentice phase, journeyman phase get master licensed which, amounts to a college degree. The Porsche mechanic didn’t start at Porsche he had plenty of training before he got to where he is, training, certifications etc.

Service jobs are needed but, they are not the engine of productivity.

I don’t think I’ve missed anything…

“What’s going to happen to big pharma now that we have Goverment Health Care??”

I’d say the same thing that has happened to it for the 60+ YEARS Social Security and Medicare have been PAYING for peoples meds.

As far as Jobs go…

ANY job…Let me repeat that…ANY JOB whether it be a Mechanic or a factory worker requires TRAINING and NO ONE is starting any of these jobs at a rate that a fully experienced worker does.

The U.S. has become the Intellectual Property Manufacturer for the PLANET EARTH.

Other nations like CHINA are currently experiencing what this country did 100 YEARS AGO…They are moving from a agricultural based economy into a manufacturing economy.

the DIFFERENCE Between these two countries is F R E E D O M…In this country ANYONE with a BETTER IDEA wins!!! In CHINA the GOVERMENT controlls every aspect of business.

You mention OVER GOVERMENT regulation as a PROBLEM???

Is this the SAME regulation that makes the AIR in NYC BREATHABLE or the same regulation that makes it possible to NOW catch STRIPED BASS in the once polluted NEW YORK HARBOR??

Try doing that in CHINA!!! They had to SHUT DOWN the STREETS in Bejing 2 MONTHS before the OLYMPIC GAMES so visitors could actually B R E A T H the A I R!!! How’s THAT for a little REGULATION for ya???
How would you like to own a BUSINESS during that little show of FORCE??? FREE MARKET??? Not in CHINA pal!!! Yet you say THAT’S why all the GREAT JOBS are going there…WRONG…The CRAP jobs are going there.

As I said…Most people don’t see the UNBELIEVABLE POTENTIAL in a GLOBAL MARKET where the UNITED STATES is the INVENTOR to the WORLD.

Where do you think CHINA will end up???

They’re gonna go the SAME ROUTE this country went 100 years ago…They’ll see TRADE UNIONS established once the people there wield enough ECONOMIC and POLITICAL POWER to install them…They ALREADY have had STRIKES…It’s JUST STARTING…WAIT…All those things WILL COME to them as their country PROSPERS…They too will have NO CHOICE but to impose some of the very same ENVIROMENTAL REGULATIONS we did…
You CAN NOT SUSTAIN a growing economy IF you POISON the very EARTH the WORKERS must LIVE ON in order to keep those factories RUNNING…

Have some of the regulations in this country gone to far???..ABSOLUTELY…100% YES…and the same will happen there EVENTUALLY…

This planet is SHRINKING in front of our EYES…Having CHINA make PARTS for machines sold all over the world but DESIGNED and INVENTED in the USA isn’t too far from companies building plants in the SOUTHERN part of this country in the 50’s and 60’s because labor costs were lower…Those companies weren’t selling product to CHINA…Almost NONE of that product even left THIS COUNTRY…So NOW we have a GLOBAL MARKET PLACE were products built in every corner of the PLANET are made and assembled overseas, but DESIGNED and INVENTED HERE!!!

Think that’s BULLSH*T???

Look at MASSACHUSETTS in the 1950 and 60’s…Most of Mass. was built on TEXTILES and MILL operations…Those same MILLS all moved down South in the 1970’s…What happened to BOSTON and Massachusetts after that??? It became a HOT BED for COMPUTER INVENTION and MEDICAL Device design…Those CRAP factory jobs were replaced by HIGH TECH jobs and HOUSING prices went into the STRATOSPHERE…Towns like WESTON on the Rt 128 Technology Hiway became MILLIONAIRES SUBURBS…the MONEY POURED in…and now those SOUTHERN factories are all CLOSED and those jobs are in CHINA…But Rt 128 in Mass is STILL cranking out the high dollar jobs!!! And it STILL cost a MILLION DOLLARS for a 4 bedroom home in WESTON!!!

WHY??? Because the IDEA of making FABRIC is OLD…The IDEA of making SHIRTS is OLD…BUT…the IDEA of making CARDIAC CATHS and Defibrillators is NEW!!! The IDEA behind FACEBOOK, GOOGLE, and Electronic BANKING…Those IDEAS are VALUABLE and WHERE did they come from??? The USA!!!..Paying a worker to sew 300 shirts a day is a 100 YEAR OLD JOB…That’s what CHINA is doing now…It’s 1910 in China RIGHT NOW!!!

The IDEA is the PRIZE…Not the ASSEMBLY of a bunch if PIECES…The REAL WEALTH is in the MANAGEMENT of the company and the IDEAS behind the PRODUCTS!!

In the 1900’s the Northeast corridor of the USA was the CHEAP LABOR provider to the WORLD…

In the 1960’s and 70’s the Southern part of this country took that title.

In the 1990’s CHINA started providing that service…

Even NOW…Viet Nam is TAKING manufacturing jobs from CHINA…

OPEN YOUR EYES…The PLANET IS SHRINKING…the ONLY thing that stays the same is the USA keeps giving these places THINGS TO BUILD or MAKE!!!

FDJAKE nailed it. We are not in the industrial age. This is the information/ Technology age. These are also workers that don’t form unions and drive up the cost making these products. I believe that’s the major reason those jobs were shipped to China, India etc… If they were forced to make them here, the cost of those products would be passed on to the consumer. That $5 toy at Wal-Mart could end up costing $15 or $20. I’m more concerned that we’re becoming a two class society. Rich and Poor… The middle class is getting squeezed to the point where hard working families are looking to some of the entitlement programs as way to put food on the table. The more people become dependent on these programs, the more the polititians will have them on their agenda to get/ remain in office. All that being said, I believe there are opprtunities everywhere if you’re willing to do whatever it takes to change your situation. One thing I’ve learned from observing successful people is that they don’t have a slf defeating attitude. They’re willing to make the changes that need to made, and do the necessary work to be successful. They also have the ability to adapt to changing conditions in order to stay successful… They’re less worried about whether BO is ruining the country… The just observe, adapt and succeed…

So what you guys are saying is… the end of the world isnt coming? Am I hearing you guys right?

Not IMO. The world will always be changing and you have to adapt to survive and succeed. Entitlement minded people will adapt their behavior to survive by supporting programs and polititians that promise to keep their entitlement (survival) alive… Successful people will adapt to the opportunities by directing their money torward opening businesses, buying stocks, RE or any other areas that are benefiting from those changes.

The world isn’t ending, but the end of the USA as we know it is right around the corner.

In a way, Mike IS right…

The USA is changing and it NEVER stays the same. I just think the basic CONCEPT that ANYONE can make it big here regardless of what their PARENTS did, or where they were born, is simply UNBEATABLE.


Here’s a guy that DECIDED to build himself a property business from NOTHING…He set himself some goals, worked his @ss off for a few years, and ACHIEVED what he wanted to. He took advantage of the NIT WITS he rents houses to…Instead of those people TAKING from Mike…He TAKES from them. That’s the BEAUTY of this COUNTRY and THAT is NEVER CHANGING…Mike had the FREEDOM to build that business model, the MARKET decided it was worthy. I give the guy credit. He just needs to give HIS COUNTRY a little more CREDIT.

That IDEA…That CONCEPT, is IMPOSSIBLE for the CHINESE or the RUSSIANS or the INDIANS to compete with…

I M P O S S I B L E!!!

There’s only ONE PLACE on the PLANET that allows this to be acheived so readily…


Good luck COMPETING with that!!!

Jake, thats why you see the hate/fear from us right-wingers recently. Many fear that the basic right to “go out and make it” is going to be taken away, because government wants to own/tax/regulate everything into oblivian.

The only way they can “take it away” is when you decide to not adapt… I hate sound like a broken record, but to put it in perspective, do you think Buffet, Trump or any other selm made millionares/billionares are thinking their fortunes are in jeopardy and they’re headed for the soup kitchens? Of course not… Ask yourself this… What’s the difference between these guys and unsuccessful people? The answer… They adapt… Just look at Rookie and FDJAKE’s comments… Successful people get that way because they know how to find and capitalize on the opprtunitie the environmnent presents…

Hoosier…No offense but…


You haven’t TRIED to build a business…You haven’t TRIED to buy and sell real estate…You haven’t TRIED to do ANYTHING where your FREEDOM was impeded…NOT A SINGLE THING.

Yet I have to LISTEN to a KID who’s PARENTS made and SAVED enough MONEY in this Country to send him to NURSING SCHOOL so “JOSH” wouldn’t have STUDENTS LOANS…And what does this KID do??? He whines about his FREEDOM being taken away???

Are you FREAKIN’ kidding me Hoosier???

The “HATE & FEAR” as you put it, is KOOL AIDE kid…Freakin’ KOOL AIDE, and YOU’RE DRINKING IT…By the GALLON.

Wall street just BENT you over…BIG TIME…Now they want you to think OBAMA is a SOCIALIST because that’s the KOOL AIDE word of the day…


Go out and DO SOMETHING Hoosier…Go out and TRY and build a BUSINESS…You’re tapping away at a computer that’s LOCKED into Real Estate MILLIONAIRES willing to help you…Just cut the SOCIALISM BULLSH*T…If this was a REAL Socialist state like CHINA…

REICLUB and your little $30,000 nest egg plan WOULDN’T EXIST!!! Neither would the people like ME…That are (for the time being) still willing to help you.

Get over yourself…

You can achieve A N Y T H I N G you want to…

Want to know WHY???

Because you were LUCKY enough to be BORN on this small piece of DIRT called the USA!!

Don’t forget that kid…and don’t be so QUICK to jump on the BAND WAGON with all the other GOOFS out there that FORGET how great this little piece of dirt is!!!

Im just concerned about the spending/increased taxes and Government wanting to get their hands in everything.

But if being concerned that printing all this money/increasing taxes will hurt future generations chances of being succeessful equals being BENT OVER by Wall Street, then I guess im bent. :biggrin

Keep in mind, I never, in my post Jake, said wah wah Government is going to keep me from being successful Jake. I just said thats WHY THE FEAR IS THERE.

Interesting analogy though Jake, what must of been going through your mind to think of that one?

Here is my analogy with the USA Jake.

I am a huge fan of Indiana University Basketball… GO HOOSIERS. They have won 5 National Titles, and have done it CLEANLY, have always had morals/integrity in thier program. Thats why im a fan.


Lets say IU turned into lets say… Kentucky Basketball (IUs main rival)… you know, they pay thier players, cheat, special benifits, hire a coach whos been caught twice for cheating big time… Well, I wouldnt be much of a fan of IU anymore…

Im concerned that were getting to far away from what made this country great. Thats all.

But trust me, im FAR ABOVE buying into the “SIT ON YOUR A$$ and WHINE about your situation because of the Government.” I personally dont really give a flying crap about what the Gov does, because ill just zig when they zag. Their are rich people who make it in Socialist countries too I guess.

I dont play the BS game anymore… 6 months ago, yes, I did, but not anymore.

What’s going through my mind is this…

Here’s a KID…So out of touch with what JUST HAPPENED in this Country that he THINKS his FREEDOM is being taken away by a POLITICIAN!!!

Were you OUT of the Country for the HOUSING BUST???

You’ve got MORE CHANCE of REAL FREEDOM being taken from you by a BANK than ANYTHING this President or ANY President could ever do…


Here’s some FREEDOM for you HOOSIER…

You get out of school, take that $30K you saved and instead of looking for distressed property you give up…because it’s “TOO HARD to find cheap houses around here.” So you buy yourself a house with that $30K…You’ve got a good job so the BANK pre-approves you for a LOT of money…All this shopping for houses is EXCITING!!! So you buy a LOT of house…Then you buy yourself a GOOD reliable new car to get yourself to the JOB that you now NEED to pay for that EXCITING new house you just bought…


Get a sh*tty new BOSS at work???..TOO BAD…SUCK IT UP KID…Your HOUSE needs to be FED… M O N T H L Y…THEY KNOW IT, and YOU now know it, and you are now SCREWED for 20 YEARS. Want to buy and FIX UP a house??? CAN’T do it…You BORROWED everything you could.
That new car you bought…After 5 years it’ll be worth less than HALF what you paid for it…and the BEST PART??? You paid INTEREST on a DEPRECIATING ASSET…You paid MORE for that car than the STICKER PRICE!!!

THIS…Is the ONLY F R E E D O M you have to WORRY about losing Josh…the ONLY one!!!

I have seen a BIG improvement in your attitude since that MORON Positive Outlook got canned…Keep it up…

You live in a Country of CHOICE…You can make the HARD, GOOD CHOICES, or you can follow the CATTLE to the slaughter house…It’s YOUR CHOICE…

You have the F R E E D O M to screw it up!!!



You buy and sell a few houses, make a few small mistakes and LEARN the GAME!! You roll each home over into the next, within a few years the HOUSE you live in is YOURS…NO MORTGAGE

This is SMALL POTATOES stuff…MINOR…Small ball…


Get a SH*TTY BOSS at work…FU you’re an AHOLE, I QUIT!!!

You paid CASH for a decent USED car with some of the PROFITS you made on your last flip…NO CAR PAYMENTS…LOWER INSURANCE TOO!!!..You could work as a CROSSING GUARD and cover your NUT!!!

Want to go to FIJI for a couple of weeks???

SEE YA!!! Your GONE!!!



Get it???


I wish the banks had the same opportunity I have… you know… to “screw up.”

But they dont, they get BAILED OUT if they “screw up.”

Thats the kind of things Im talking about. Its just… frustrating.

I just wanna work/make money/watch IU baskeball/ from Texas/FL (wherever I decide to live)/raise a family, not be demonized by the Government for doing so, because I have money… I dont think thats to much to ask. Im 99.9% sure that your right Jake, you 100% control your own freedom and all, but after listening to some of our politians, there is a 00.1% thought in the back of my head that is baffled.

And exactly WHO are you LISTENING to Hoosier???

The people who say what you WANT TO HEAR??? Not what you NEED to hear…Are THESE the people you’re LISTENING TO???

The PEOPLE who take contributions for the very BANKS they OVERSEE???

Are THESE the people you’re listening to???

Here’s a tip Hoosier…

CUT and PASTE this…READY???



There’s hope for you yet kid! :beer

Lol. Good stuff. :beer

Hoosier, its a lot easier to change yourself than those around you… Don’t worry about the banks, the gov. or anything else… Its taking your focus away from what’s important… You need to focus like a laser despite whats going on around you… I know I’m sounding a bit korny, but its true…