client called me regarding preforeclosure/shortsale

i need help i think
i am new at this but
i have a client who’s home is going to be foreclosed upon in 5 days, she just told me her situation - she says that her house has no equity - she owes 179,000 - she appraised for 178,000 the bank is willing to take a loss with a shortsale for 160,000 - had a deal b4 but fell thru
ok given the scenario - i think if i pitch it to her - and im not sure if enough time
only option is to do a quick claim deed to me - i was thinking me & then refinance , then have home lease purchase back – give her 2 months to move - since a short grace period of 1-2 mo after a refinance and have her move with the intent of lease option to another tenant - and in the interum i gain a house - and i will then have a greater net worth

putting my credit on the line - but i see an opportunity to gain a second house that over time will appreciate then i can sell

I’m not sure why you would want her to quit claim it to you, then you would own it with all its debt. I would suggest calling the lender and making them an offer to close quickly and usually when you give them a formal offer with an estimated Hud-1 they will continue the foreclosure and give you time to work through the contract.

You want the lender to agree to sell it to you at less than it is owed… not assume the current debt.
