Cleaning Concrete

I’m currently rehabbing a house for a fixnflip. The concrete is not terrible bad however I woud like to clean up the driveway and the garage of the oil stains a little bit.

Anyone have any suggestions that are easy to implement and work.


We have a relatively inexpensive power washer…get some grease/oil remover that gets added to the power wash…

I have cleaned a couple with just water and the results were still acceptable.


You can burn off the oil stains yourself, but my suggestion is to just have the driveway sealed. Where I live, this costs only $100 for a driveway. The driveway will look brand new after it’s finished. While someone is there sealing it, ask him to burn off the oil stains in the garage – he may do it.

I like the muratic acid treatment .It works great fro porches and garages.

I am looking to have some concrete work done also.

The contractor recommend some type of acid for clean it up (Just like the previous post)

I’ve had great luck with the power washer.