Anyone got any tips on how to do cheap window screens? The inspector here is making me put screens up on an apartment building and pricing so far has not been good.
Check online - like on, or - you might find a good deals. I have never shopped for window screens, but these look relatively cheap
I just buy the smallest cheapest window screen from HD, I think they’re 6.95 a piece. You should only need 1 per room.
We get our screens from a local glass company.
They measure, make them and install and it beats Home Depot’s price.
Good Luck
Whos your inspector, John - Stalin or Hitler?
Can he cite a code, law or some other requirement?
no, get this, you have to have either window screens and screen doors or provide window units with enough BTU’s to cover square footage, from may 1st to october 1st only. Here it is the middle of september, and this guy has “yellow taged” my property and demands this or else. I ended up buying 6 38 dollar screen doors and 6 13 dollar window screens today at lowes, already got them installed too. I seen him(inspector) sitting down at the end of the road watching me install them. Must be a boring lonely life to be a minimum housing code inspector. They are “cracking down” on this area. He wouldn’t say why, but I bet it has to do with the 200K houses they are building that butts up to my properties on this road.