I just bought raised ranch single family home. I want to open the kitchen so it will be integrated with the living room and Dining room. My problem is there are separate wall that has Air Return Duct that connect to the HVAC system.
Where can I move the air return and doesn’t violate building code. This is in IL
I would call in a heating and air guy and they could tell you were to move it or if you even need it all. I think they have so many return air vents for so many square feet of house.
The air returns are usually in the center of the room and you don’t want them blocked up too much. Sometimes they’re near the stairs as it also allows the air to return from an upper floor.
Check out alpinehomeair.com and acdirect.com, they both have some informational material on their site. I think one of them even had a basic 20-30 page manual that talks about how to install a forced hot air system. Very interesting stuff…
Could you put an appropriately-sized air return in the ceiling?
If you’re worried about the building code, then you probably need to call in an HVAC contractor. If you pulled a permit, the work may have to be done by a licensed contractor anyway.