ccim designation

I am looking at taking the ccim courses thanks to a referral here in the forum in order to educate myself on commercial real estate for the purpose of investing. Do any of you have this, and is it worthwhile? Are there better directions that you would take? What is do the courses actually teach you in regards to investing?



I haven’t taken the courses but I plan to in the next couple of years. Someone in my office has taken their courses and had nothing but good things to say. Of course, they’re very expensive and you’ll probably have to travel out of state. Do you have any experience in commercial real estate? I think the classes are most valuable to those who already have a basic working knowledge of commercial real estate. It would be nice to have some real world application if you’re going to spend all that money. But yes, the classes are geared more toward real world type stuff as opposed to straight theory.

A lot of it depends on your role in commercial investing. Are you going to just be an investor or do you plan on having a business geared towards Commercial real estate?

If you have a business, then I would suggest obtaining the CCIM designation. Howerver, be aware that obtaining the designation is expensive and time consuming.

If you just want to educate yourself, then I wouldn’t worry about getting the CCIM designation. Just take some of the courses they offer.


I am just interested in the education, don’t care about the actual designation.

I can take the courses online, or with a home study deal.

Patti, if I was to just take some of the courses, do you know which ones are valuable for an investor?


I have only a little knowledge of commercial real estate, that being gained by investing money with a developer and with a large 200 unit aptment complex that was built and I invested about 10% in. But I am in a position where I am looking to start investing in commercial real estate that I would be in control of. Hence the need to become better educated.

sounds like everything I am hearing so far is positive.



If you’ve got the cash then go for it. There are worse ways to spend money! What do you do for a living?

As a minimum, I would suggest taking the Intro to Commercial RE Analysis course. This course will really give you all the tools to begin investing on your own.

Then as time and interests permit, start taking their core classes. These are advanced courses but the info is good (might be overkill depending on your future role in the business).

I would also suggest that you go to the classes versus on-line. The networking and relationships you can develop at a course are invaluable.


Well thats getting more complicated all the time. My core business is farming and ranching. I work with my family, 2 brothers and my dad. I also started a house building company recently and I invest where ever I find things that work.

Thanks, It seems from what I have read so far that networking and relationships are about as important as being able to recognize a good deal if it comes. I will have to reconsider the online learning. It is so convenient though.

