Carleton sheets course

hey all,

I have ordered the carleton sheets course and have had it over a year, my life is extremely hard and i am looking to change things around…does this course really work? i have read up to chapter 7 and it mentions that this course helps you get your first house No money down but if ppl want to successful as investors they have to get a brokers license… does that mean that all of those millionaires on tv have a brokers license?

thank you and god bless

Not at all. I’d say most investor never get their license. A licensee has more liability then an unlicensed person.

Agreed! I dont think you need to get a brokers license or even an agent’s license unless you want to. At least not for a while.

I’ve got carlton sheet’s course, and I never saw anything even resembling that statement anywhere. The course offers many ways to make big money in real estate. If you have concluded that belief is part of his main message, I recommend going back to ch.1 and starting over. The premise of sheets course is making big money through leverage and owner financing. Brokering has nothing to do with it.
Good luck to you. I promise the course is worth going through, but definitely don’t feel limited to that approach.