Have 1980’s era windows in my new duplex. The windows have double glass but the plastic edges (splines?) are cracked, broken and faded. Can they be replaced?
Or must I replace the windows? Anybody got some good tips on this? I don’t want to spend money on new windows if I don’t have to.
Thanks, Furnishedowner
those splines help hold the glass in place. you remove them as the first step in replacing the insulated glass unit.
Thanks. I will try to replace the glass unit and plastic edges. Another subject that I am learning more about than I ever wanted to know.
if you ever watch a window guy replace one, you see how easy it is. funny, how you can’t find any instructions anywhere. protecting trade secrets, I guess.
all the ones I’ve seen are just held to the frame with silicone. remove the plastic, use a heat gun to soften the goo and putty knife the glass unit away from the frame. clean it up, re-goo and place the new one.
I did a small window at home with no prob.
Thanks again for the tips.