I am a newbie, and had little luck contacting people with foreclosure when sending letters. I was able to find phone numbers also. I would like to ask. What one would expect when calling people facing foreclosure. Is there any script that I can use? Any recommendation would be nice.
I have a script, I’ll post it tomorrow. Reply to this message so I’ll get a reminder email.
To be honest, I’d rather just knock on the door, if their close to your home.
YOu need to have it scrubbed… a lot of people are on the DNC list, be careful you van be fined up to $1,500 per call if caught.
I will be using a service to make sure the number is not in DNC.
Can you please post the script? Thanks in Advance.
You lost me. Why should you be worried about this? You are not selling anything. You want to buy his house. Them: “take advantage of our summer special buy 3 …”
You: “Is this house for sale?”
it is still classified as a solicitation call.
Do it at your own risk.
so green queen,
what do you think is the best approach to a potential (pre)foreclosure?
Actually, according to the FCC (http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-255701A1.doc) and the FTC (http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/pubs/buspubs/tsrcomp.pdf and http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/pubs/business/alerts/alt129.htm) the do not call registry restricts telemarketers and solicitors that call “to sell goods or services through interstate phone calls”, those that “solicit consumers”, and “sellers who are paid to provide, offer to provide, or arrange to provide goods or services to consumers”. They are subject to $11,000 fine per violation.
I’m working on the development of a tiny call center so I’ve had to read up on all of this good stuff. I’ve not read anything that classifies calling to offer to purchase someone’s home as a solicitation call. I’m not saying that it isn’t there, but I didn’t see it. If it is true, I appreciate the heads up, but perhaps you can direct us to something a little stronger than “do it at your own risk” like a link, preferably from the horse’s mouth (the FCC or FTC if you like)?
Of course, if someone asks you not to call them again, you have to honor that.
That said, here is a great FREE guide that you might find useful. (http://www.reiclub.com/authors/kaiser/swatteamleader.pdf). I think it is better than a script because a script doesn’t help you improvise appropriately for the personality you are dealing with in each case. The book does. It walks you through the process from the first contact and beyond. HTH.
Pursuant to the FTC, you are allowed 3 calls a day to any houshold.
The flip side of that is legally in order for someone to sue you, documentation is usually required as a satisfaction to the judge. In other words someone has to write you a C & D(cease and desist). If they have not sent you a C&D it is your word against their word. Thats why collection agencies can call debters constantly, because many debters are not educated.