Buyers Squeeze Page

I created a Sellers squeeze page no problem, but what do I put on a buyers page? I think i’m having writers block or something. Do I just write what I can offer and then ask them to sign up? and what other info should I try to get?

Who are your buyers? bad credit looking for owner financing, investors, or good credit average people?

bad credit:
give them this great talk about how your company specializes in finding affordable owner financed homes regardless of credit, the benefits, and how it works (very simple), and with time add testimonials.

this is for wholesaling, a simple sign up can do with some sample deals they can find. They would get an email of all available deals as they come in and they can contact you for the one they like.

Good credit:
tough one, what is their inventive to buy from you vs buying from a realtor… Finding greatly discounted properties that need little to no work?

information I would look for:

  1. area of town
  2. age of home
  3. size of home
  4. bedrooms/bath/garage
  5. condition
  6. price range
  7. how much down payment they have
  8. Employment
  9. current income (PITI shouldn’t be more than 50% of their monthly income, ideally within 36%. this would prescreen some of them)
  10. Contact information
  11. How soon do they want to move

For wholesalers of course it is a different story.

Just some ideas

thanks fadi, that helps alot! I’d be going after other wholesalers at this point.

Hey Scott, its Tom. I lost your phone #. Accept my Twitter follow and DM me your p#. Let’s talk. Been awhile.

Hey Tom,

Sent you a PM

We get a 33% conversion rate with

So maybe try what we do?