I have several wholesale deals that I need buyers for…where do you find the buyers? :help

I’m having a problem here…what is it that you’re trying to poll?


It seems very easy to get the wholesale deals and put them under contract…but I am having a difficult time finding buyers for these properties. I am looking for buyers of wholesale properties.

I am looking for suggestions on a buyers list.

I just answered the same question in the wholesaling forum.The usual.,do both have 30 day free trial and free posting of you deals.), or just go to the marketing forum and ask question there. Sometimes before you ask a question go and search it above , maybe the answer is already there.

newspaper ads
reia groups
direct mail

Maybe if you know other wholesalers in your area you can tap in to their buyers lists by offering a “finders fee” to them.

Call “for rent” signs in the neighborhoods you are working. Ask the landlords if they are looking for more rentals, and if so, what price points are they looking to buy at.

Research investor cash sales in the mls. See who is buying, and what prices they are paying.

Use handwritten bandit signs in the neighborhood where your deal is.

Post your deals on (it’s free).

Call other wholesalers and see if they have buyers interested in your deal. Offer to jv on the deal with them if they bring a buyer.

If you are marketing your deal hard, and not getting any bites, there’s a good chance that you have it priced too high.

Steph :cool