Brokering Real Estate Notes

Has anyone had any success flipping paper? Is this a good market to do it in? Can it be done ? I have Russ Dalbys course.

Whats the best way to find motivated Buyers and sellers?

See “owner carry back notes” in the notes forum.herbster

What note forum?

Commercial, Mobile Homes , notes…,32.html

thanks Herbster

what do you think about note brokering? still a good business model?

Propace, Real Estate Notes are the hardest of all, that’s where all the competition is.
I’ve tryed all the normal ways the gurus teach except soliciting Attorneys, accountants etc.
Try business notes, accts recievable and ton s more. go over to these guys are some of the best and read their forums. Lately my best leads have come from RE investors whom are in deep doo doo with HML’s Pri. lenders. LOL