Bird-Dogging E-Book Choices?

Which of the following e-books hold the most usable value? Or simply, which one would you recommend?

Multiple Streams of Income by David Conti and Peter Finkle, its free on this site under free investing books to the side of the page under the cat. investor information.


Thanks, free is best. I will check it out.



free is not always best. you get out what you put in some times.

I know money needs to be spent to move forward with any biz, but I must be fruggle, and allocate my funds correctly.
I am not against buying a book if it has Useful information.
Which book on Bird-Dogging would you buy?

From what Ive heard, the Barry Grimes course you can buy here is supposed to be pretty good. But the one I posted last, even though its free, its a good one.


Yes, the Multiple Streams of Income is pretty good. I downloaded it this week and have been reading it.

